COVID’s Southern California ICU capacity is zero
December 18, 2020-According to the California Public Health Service, ICU capacity fell to zero in 11 counties in Southern California on Thursday. Coronavirus Cases continue to grow, and public health experts warn that the worst has not yet come.
As of December 16, the total number of cases confirmed in the state increased by 3.1% from the previous day to a maximum of 1.72 million. Since then, nearly 22,000 people have died in the state. Pandemic I started.
What exactly does 0% capacity in the intensive care unit mean?
“This means that all of our current staffed ICU beds are full without any special measures,” said David Simon, a spokesman for the California Hospital Association. Stated.
When a hospital reaches zero ICU capacity, it shifts from “normal” operation to “surge,” he says. According to Simon and others, something can be done to mitigate the situation:
- “The first thing we try to do is modify other beds. [to ICU beds]”Simon says. However, in a pandemic, the challenge is to have enough staff to care for the patient in these beds.
- Patients who have fully recovered can be moved to a non-ICU bed in the hospital or to a non-hospital environment such as a skilled nursing facility or home care.
- During non-pandemic times, patients may be transferred to other hospitals. “There is no such option here,” says Simon. “Unlike traditional disasters like wildfires, by definition, pandemics are everywhere.”
- Doctors and nurses in other areas of the hospital, such as critical care, can be transferred to the ICU if they have adequate intensive care training. “That’s the shortage we’re facing-these emergency nurses,” says Simon.
California law states that the ratio of nurses to patients in the ICU is less than 1: 2, but California Governor Gavin Newsom says hospitals can require hospitals to increase the ratio to 1: 3. Announced.
The change faced fierce opposition from the California Nurses Association, which hosted a virtual press conference on Wednesday, warning that increasing the ratio could compromise care and lead to more deaths.
In response, the California Hospital Association pointed out that the exemption is temporary, hospitals must apply for it, and it applies only to units in which COVID patients are being cared for.
The situation in the ICU can be exacerbated, and public health experts warn, especially when people get together and continue to travel. Newsome ordered 5,000 corpse bags in anticipation of an increase in deaths from COVID-19.
To convince people to stay home and lower tolls, the California Public Health Service launched a “mother” campaign on Thursday. Love means staying away, A real mom was at home during her December vacation and appeared in a video urging people not to celebrate with a large family. According to public health officials, the goal is instead to look at virtual events such as opening gifts via video calls and burning cookies online.
Hospital leaders and nurses are used in campaigns in other states, says Simon. “I really beg people to stay home this Christmas.”
Even if the hospital’s ICU capacity is zero, according to medical professionals, it is important to seek help at the hospital if you are in a critical condition such as a heart attack or a possible stroke.
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