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ACIP: Adults over 75, “frontline” workers get COVID-19 vaccine next

ACIP: Adults over 75, “frontline” workers get COVID-19 vaccine next


According to the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization and Implementation (ACIP), adults over the age of 75 and “frontline mandatory workers” must be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 1b.

With a 13-to-1 vote, ACIP voted for the interim recommendations for Phase 1b and Phase 1c of COVID-19 vaccination. Phase 1c consists of adults aged 65-74, adults aged 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions, and all other mandatory workers.

The front line essential workers Predefined According to the Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the first responders were education, food and agriculture, manufacturing, correction workers, US Postal Service workers, public transport workers, and grocery stores. Worker. Essential workers at the forefront are someone in the sector essential to the functioning of society, “substantially at high risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2.”

“This is arguably the most difficult vote I have taken in the six and a half years on the Commission,” said ACIP Chairman Dr. Jose Romero. Many members also expressed concern and upset about the idea of ​​assigning the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that they hope to improve the vaccine supply so that everyone who wants the vaccine has access to the vaccine. It was.

Dr. Henry Bernstein of the Zucker School of Medicine at the Hofstra / Northwell Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, NY, said he felt the science of COVID-19 prevalence while supporting Phase 1b. He was the only opponent. Mortality and “It makes more sense to me to include a group over 65 in Phase 1b.”

Members of the other committee said the number of adults over the age of 65 would exceed the amount of vaccine available when Phase 1b deployments are planned.

Adults over the age of 75 were initially not in Phase 1b when the ACIP discussed. Assignment recommendations In late November, CDC staff noted that this group accounted for 25% of COVID-19-related hospitalizations, and that the risk of in-hospital death from COVID-19 increased with age.

Looking at front-line key workers, the jurisdiction said in Phase 1b that in Phase 1b, people living in a collective environment, such as prisoners and homeless shelters, could choose to be vaccinated (care facility residents). Is Phase 1a).

Non-frontline mandatory workers recommended for Phase 1c include transportation and logistics, food services, construction, finance, information technology and communications, energy, media, law, public safety, and waste and wastewater. Was there.

There was little discussion about Phase 1b, but some committee members objected to the breadth of Phase 1c and were young non-frontline essentials in front of older people with high morbidity and mortality from COVID-19. Workers have expressed concern that they may be vaccinated.

Pablo Sanchez, MD, MD, National Institute of Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, wants to see older frontline workers aged 65-74 ahead of young frontline workers and retired adults. Said.

Nancy Mesonier, MD, director of the CDC National Centers for Vaccination and Respiratory Diseases, said the prioritization guidance within the group was “at least in the hope of clarifying the rationale”, “who was in front of me. Who will be behind? “

As always, the recommendations from ACIP are not considered final until they are published to. Weekly morbidity and mortality reports (MMWR), CDC staff said it should happen this week. They added that ACIP may possibly hold another meeting on additional COVID-19 vaccines during the regular meeting scheduled for February.

Modena Green Light; Anaphylaxis Update

ACIP will hold another meeting on Saturday, the Commission abstains three times due to conflicts of interest, and recommends the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to adults over the age of 18 under the terms of the FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). I voted for 11-0. ). FDA Modana Vaccine USA At the end of Friday, it will be the second vaccine to be approved.

This interim recommendation is now official and MMWR on Sunday.

The CDC staff also provided up-to-date information on cases of anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions associated with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. As of December 18, there were 6 cases under investigation that met the Brighton collaboration criteria for anaphylaxis. They said these case reports have undergone a clinical case review by the CISA. One had a history of anaphylaxis after rabies vaccination.

The CDC staff said it was unlikely to be associated with a particular vaccine production lot, as there was no geographical pattern in these cases. CDC staff confirmed that all cases were adults under the age of 65, but did not provide further details.

They pointed out Clinical considerations on anaphylaxis Commission members suggested that once vaccination in “other settings” was initiated, it might need to be reassessed, but COVID-19 vaccination.

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    Molly Walker Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Infectious Diseases on MedPage Today. She has a passion for evidence, data and public health. To follow


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