When can I get it? How will I be notified that I am eligible?
Do you receive texts from your doctor? Do you read about it online? Or do I need to check the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website to know when it’s my turn?
According to public health and policy experts and state vaccination plans, the COVID-19 vaccine will be deployed to a limited group of people throughout the United States, so people will get shots while supply is limited. It’s not clear how to learn to qualify.
“I think it will be a bit vague,” said Katie Green, a visiting policy associate at the Duke Margolis Health Policy Center.
“It’s not surprising that thousands of individuals are left behind due to information gaps,” added Tin Longdai, a professor at Johns Hopkins Carry Business School, who studies healthcare operations management and business analytics.
Vaccination deployment is largely left to the state, and as Dai said, the “isolated and decentralized health care system” in the United States may prevent people from knowing when they can be vaccinated. And they may have to find out where they can get it and be willing to prove that they meet the criteria for next line.
According to Green, Phase 1a of vaccination will prioritize healthcare professionals and caregiver residents, making them easily accessible because they are in different locations.
The next step is to prioritize people over the age of 75 and front-line key workers. According to the recommendations of the CDC Vaccination Implementation Advisory Board.. Phase 1c then includes 65-74 and 16-64 people with high-risk medical conditions, along with other essential workers.
“These are groups that are much harder to reach,” Green said.
Die expects confusion and inefficiency as people are eligible to be vaccinated, but not all, with continued distribution in late winter and early spring, when supply is still growing.
“It will be a very complex triage process,” he said, adding that it would be inconsistent among healthcare providers.
USA TODAY Vaccine Panel:The United States has nailed the science behind the COVID vaccine. Next is logistics and trust.
Federal officials at Operation Warp Speed hope that by the end of January, about 50 million people will receive the first two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, Health and Welfare Secretary Alex Azar said earlier this week.
Two vaccines, one manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech and the other by Moderna, have already received an emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration. Phase 3 clinical trials of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have been completed and are expected to be followed by other vaccine candidates from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford in the coming weeks.
Hazard said the government should have a sufficient supply, I hope the vaccine will be available by the summer of 2021.
John Brownstein, Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children’s Hospital, said that in the middle of the deployment, state and local public health authorities need to do a lot to clearly define and communicate qualified people. It states that there is.
“At the state level, there will be important nuances in terms of eligibility,” Brownstein said.
“Everyone wants to know where they are. I think people will pay attention.”
Pre-registration, qualification website and email
The· The federal government leaves the state to implement a mass vaccination program.. From protocol testing to restrictions, as with many other policy decisions in a pandemic, according to Green, the state needs to tailor vaccine deployments to specific needs, such as how eligibility is communicated.
The state’s vaccine distribution plan, submitted to the CDC earlier this year, covers extensively how the state contacts residents, and the plan depends on how qualified people are notified.
Currently, vaccinated health care workers are finding facilities that provide vaccines through their employers. CVS and Walgreens will enter tens of thousands of long-term care facilities to provide initial doses to residents and staff.
Many state plans rely on traditional media campaigns to mention press conferences from the governor, reach out to community groups, and text and email campaigns.
As the vaccine becomes available New York plan Residents also said they would check the website for “vaccine eligibility screening tools and vaccination site locators.”
Health Department Website Colorado And Virginia There is a tracker that indicates that it is still in Phase 1a of the rollout.
In Maryland, residents can pre-register for vaccines through the state’s existing immunization information system. State plans say.. The Ministry of Health will send targeted texts and emails to pre-registered individuals who have not yet received the vaccine.
Mr Green said Maryland’s pre-registration plan is a “quite innovative approach” but depends on the number of people who can use the system.
An online system for informing people of eligibility is as good as buy-in, Dai said. For example, a hospital may use a recording system such as MyChart to send alerts informing you that you are eligible. However, if the patient has never set up MyChart, they may not know without contact.
“The central problem is that there is no national waiting list for vaccination, not even that for individual states or counties,” Die compared to national registration for organ donation. Said.
Side effects, differences, immunity: What you need to know about the US COVID-19 vaccine
As the rollout expands CDC Playbook on Vaccine Distribution It also states that it will develop screening tools for people to judge their eligibility.That tool points to them VaccineFinder.orgAn existing platform that connects the public with information on where to get seasonal flu vaccines, travel vaccines and other daily recommended vaccines.
Brownstein, who led the development of, said the tool plays an important role in helping people who know they are eligible find the vaccine. He expects COVID-19 vaccine information to be available on the website from early 2021.
In November, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Presentation As the supply becomes more available, it will partner with pharmacy chains across the United States to provide vaccines. The partnership is expected to cover 60% of pharmacies across the United States, HHS said.
The CVS said in a statement that once the vaccine became more widely available, the public could make an appointment at a pharmacy to get the vaccine online or at number 800.
Mike De Angelis, Senior Director of Corporate Communications at CVS Health, emailed USA TODAY: “As we approach timeframes and date and priority are determined, we promote availability and awareness through multiple channels. I will raise it. ”
More:Vaccinations for COVID-19 are “slower” than expected, officials say
“That’s what we have to hurry to understand.”
However, as the rollout enters the next phase, some states can lag behind others, complicating who is eligible at a particular time.
Vaccines are assigned according to the number of adults in each state, but that does not mean that it correlates with the number of high-risk people there.
A USA TODAY analysis released this week We have discovered which states are the fairest and which states can be delayed due to the low number of residents in the high-risk category.
Greene and Brownstein said it is up to state and local public health authorities to define who goes into each stage to reduce confusion.
“There will be some gray areas and professions where it’s not clear which group they belong to,” Brownstein said.
According to Green, facilitating the process to employers makes these gray areas easier, but challenges can continue, especially in small work environments with low outreach.
Tip How to persuade someone to get the COVID-19 vaccine
Similar problems can occur because they are associated with the underlying condition and comorbidities. Someone’s age can be easily identified in pharmacies and vaccination clinics, but the underlying condition that increases the risk of COVID-19 complications may not be, Green said.
Die described a scenario in which someone was cared for in a hospital system because of an underlying condition, but then moved and planned to get the vaccine from another hospital. Individuals may have their own outreach if those hospitals use different online records that cannot easily communicate with each other.
“There will have to be some expectation that some people will not cross the line,” Brownstein added.
Whether or not someone needs a doctor’s note to confirm their condition is a requirement that vaccine providers must establish, but Green is a barrier and access for people who may not have access to a primary care physician. He said there was a risk of increasing the likelihood.
“That’s what we have to hurry to understand,” she said.
Who will be vaccinated first? The CDC recommends the following:
The CDC Vaccination Implementation Advisory Board recommends that gradual vaccine deployment be first performed in the following groups:
Phase 1a: Frontline healthcare professionals and people in long-term care facilities.
Phase 1b: People over 75 years old, and front-line key workers in the following categories:
- First responders such as firefighters and police
- Teachers, support staff, day care workers
- Food and agricultural workers
- Manufacturing worker
- Corrective worker
- Workers of the United States Postal Service
- Public transport workers
- Grocery worker
Phase 1c: 65-74 years, people aged 16-64 with high-risk medical conditions, and other essential workers. The medical conditions listed are:
- obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Heart condition
- Chronic kidney disease
- Immunodeficiency due to solid organ transplantation
- Sickle cell disease
- pregnancy
- Smoker (currently or with a history of smoking)
The workers in this category are:
- Public health workers
- Transport and logistics workers
- Food service industry worker
- Construction worker
- Financial worker
- IT & Communication Worker
- Energy worker
- Media worker
- Legal officer
- Public security engineer
- Water and sewage workers
Contributions: Elizabeth Wise, Dennis Wagner, Donovan Slack, Ares Bajak
Follow USA TODAY’s Ryan Miller on Twitter @RyanW_Miller
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