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Black doctors work to reduce skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine

Black doctors work to reduce skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine
Black doctors work to reduce skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine


Jackson, Mississippi (AP) — Many black residents in Mississippi are vaccinated because more black doctors are skeptical about the benefits of vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine when available. I am asking you to reconsider.

During an event in Jackson on Tuesday, a group of five black doctors received their first injection of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Andrea Phillips, a member of the group and a Jackson doctor, said that for over 30 years, the vaccine has proved to the community that it is safe and important to reach more people. I did.

“We are trying to increase, inspire and create confidence in vaccines among patients,” she said. “We are gathering to show that we trust this process and we believe this is the best way to get out of this pandemic.”

According to a new Millsaps College / Chism Strategies study, black residents are most likely to be vaccinated when the vaccine becomes available. But Phillips said only 40% of black patients are considering whether to take it.

As of Tuesday, 4,644 black residents were the first of the two vaccinations, accounting for only 18% of the total population in the state, according to data from the Mississippi Department of Health. .. However, the US Census Bureau estimates in 2019 that Mississippi has more than 1.1 million black residents, accounting for 37.8% of the population.

According to Phillips, the need to provide more evidence of safety to the black community comes from a problematic history of healthcare systems. She said many residents were wary of the general abuse and poor care that some members of the community received.

“This is a social issue, and people of color, especially African Americans, are being treated badly and there is no big difference in their income situation or level,” said Phillips.

A recent example is the case of Dr. Susan Moore, a black Indiana doctor who died after being admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 in December.

Moore accused doctors at Indiana University North Health Hospital in Carmel, Indiana, of not offering useful treatments on the widely available Facebook video. She was discharged from the hospital on December 7, but was re-admitted to another Carmel hospital a few hours later and was unable to answer aftercare calls. She died on December 20th while still in the hospital.

Studies such as “Untreated Syphilis Tuskegee Studies in Black Men” (commonly known as the Tuskegee Experiment) have also caused distrust in the community.

The study, conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in collaboration with Tuskegee University, tracked 600 Black Alabama share croppers, which began in 1932, and observed the natural progression of untreated syphilis. Did. However, 399 men infected with the virus were unaware of their diagnosis. Despite the federal government’s promise of free health care as an incentive to participate in the study, the man was instead given a placebo and diagnostic procedure disguised as treatment.

The study, which was originally supposed to be discontinued six months later, ended when it was published to the press 40 years later. 128 of the participants died directly from syphilis or viral complications in 1947, even though effective treatments were publicly available. One medical journal states that it is “the most notorious biomedical research in American history.”

President Bill Clinton formally apologized to the victims’ families on behalf of the US government in 1997, calling the study a shameful racist.

Jackson’s doctor, Phillips, said he hopes that patients seeing a trusted doctor can make a difference and help rethink their vaccination decisions.

“Trust … is the reason why people succeed in getting people to see this vaccine in another way.”

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