California urges to stop 300,000 vaccines after getting some illnesses
Angels – California state epidemiologists have called for the discontinuation of more than 300,000 coronavirus vaccinations with the Moderna vaccine version because some have been treated for possible severe allergic reactions. ..
On Sunday, Dr. Erica S. Pan recommended that providers stop using lot 41L20A of the modelna vaccine until the investigation by state authorities, moderna, the US Center for Disease Control, and the Federal Food and Drug Administration is complete.
In a statement, Mr. Pan said, “We have paid so much attention and are aware that the supply of vaccines is very limited, so providers recommend using other available vaccine stocks. I’m doing it. “
She said more than 330,000 doses from the lot arrived in California between January 5th and 12th and were distributed to 287 providers.
Less than 10 people were vaccinated at the same community site and needed treatment for 24 hours, Pan said. No other similar clusters were found.
Pan did not identify the number of incidents involved or where they occurred.
However, six San Diego health care workers allergic to the vaccine they received at the Mass Vaccination Center on January 14. The site has been temporarily closed and is currently using another vaccine, KTGV-TV. report.
“We are not aware of comparable adverse events from other vaccination centers that may have been vaccinated from the same lot,” Moderna said in a statement.
CDC has Said The COVID-19 vaccine can cause side effects such as fever, chills, headache, swelling and malaise for several days. This is “a normal sign that the body is building protection.”
However, serious reactions are very rare. According to Pan, with a vaccine similar to Moderna, the rate of anaphylaxis (the reaction of the immune system can interfere with breathing and lower blood pressure) was about 1 in 100,000.
The announcement came because California counties continued to call for the addition of the COVID-19 vaccine as California tried to reduce infection rates, leading to record numbers of hospitalizations and deaths. ..
California, with a population of 40 million, has shipped about 3.2 million doses of vaccine to the local health department and healthcare system. This requires a complete vaccination. The state public health service reported on Monday.
Only about 1.4 million, or about 40%, of those doses are given.
So far. According to federal data, the state immunizes less than 2,500 people per 100,000 inhabitants, well below the national average.
Governor Gavin Newsom announced last week that anyone over the age of 65 was eligible to start vaccination, but Los Angeles County and some others are enough to vaccinate so many people. Workers living in nursing homes and the most vulnerable elderly said they had no dose and were initially focused on medical vaccinations.
On Monday, the Los Angeles Unified School District superintendent sent a letter to state and county public health authorities to give students the COVID-19 vaccine after the school approved the vaccine for staff, community members, and children. I asked for permission to provide. ..
“By doing so, we can reopen school as soon as possible and in the safest way possible,” wrote Austin Boytner.
According to Johns Hopkins University statistics, California has approached 3 million cases of coronavirus since the start of the pandemic last year, killing more than 33,600 people.
The COVID-19 mortality rate in Los Angeles County is the most populous in the United States and the epicenter of the state’s pandemic, with about one person every six minutes.
On Sunday, the South Coast Air Quality Control District suspended some pollution control restrictions on the number of cremations for at least 10 days to address the unprocessed portion of bodies in hospitals and funeral homes.
“Current mortality is more than double that of the year before the pandemic,” the agency said.
Over the past two weeks, California has averaged about 500 deaths and 40,000 new deaths per day. Hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions tended to decline slightly, but authorities warned that if the full effects of the infection at Christmas and New Year’s Eve rallies were felt, it could be reversed. did.
“As the number of cases continues to grow in California, so will the total number of individuals with serious consequences,” the State Department of Health said in a statement Monday.
In addition to concerns, California is experiencing a new, perhaps more contagious, COVID-19.
The State Department of Health announced on Sunday that L452R variants of the virus are increasingly appearing in the gene sequencing of COVID-19 test samples from several counties.
The subspecies was first identified in California and other states and countries last year, but has been more frequently identified in several outbreaks in Santa Clara County, Northern California since November, the agency said.
Overall, this variant has been found in at least 12 counties. In some places. Dr. Charles Chiu, a virologist and professor of laboratory medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, said the test found mutations in a quarter of the sequenced samples.
However, not all test samples undergo gene sequencing to identify variants, so the frequency was not immediately apparent.
However, health officials said it was associated with the outbreak of Christmas at Kaiser Permanente San Jose, which infected at least 89 staff and patients and killed the receptionist. The outbreak was blamed on an employee who visited the hospital’s emergency room in an air-powered, inflatable Christmas tree outfit.
This mutant, unlike B117, another mutation first reported in the UK, does not appear to make people sick, but it does appear to spread much more easily.
The variant has already appeared in San Diego County, and Los Angeles County has announced that it has detected the first case over the weekend.
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