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South African coronavirus mutations can be transmitted multiple times and can interfere with the vaccine

South African coronavirus mutations can be transmitted multiple times and can interfere with the vaccine


A new coronavirus mutant found in South Africa appears to be able to dispel antibodies from individuals who previously recovered from COVID-19. This means that as new strains spread, more people can become infected multiple times.

A group of South African scientists made this discovery paper Published earlier this week by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in South Africa. In it, researchers explain how they studied blood samples from a small number of people who developed COVID-19 but eventually recovered. When the human body recovers from the disease, proteins called antibodies are produced to identify the human body from the bacteria and viruses that caused the disease and ultimately protect it. (The microorganisms that cause these diseases are known as pathogens.) It has antibodies to COVID-19 that sick people theoretically recognize the pathogen and neutralize it if re-infected. It means that you need to be.

Instead, according to the authors of the paper, half of the patient’s blood samples they tested did not have the antibodies needed to protect them. 501Y.V2 shares Of the new coronavirus confirmed in South Africa last month. This is a small survey and needs further research, but the first result is unlucky.

Not only does this impede the ability of the human population to develop innate immunity, but it can also impede the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.Distributed by both companies mRNA vaccineThis is different from traditional vaccines that train the immune system to develop antibodies against the pathogen by injecting a weakened or dead version of the pathogen into the body. In contrast, mRNA vaccines inject synthetic single-strand molecules of RNA to infect our own cells and produce proteins that grow on the outer “spikes” of the coronavirus. The presence of this protein in the body is recognized as an invader, and the immune system learns to identify and protect the coronavirus as an enemy.

Both COVID-19 vaccines train the body to recognize the SARS-CoV-2 virus protein known as spikes. Spikes are proteins that help the virus invade human cells, resembling small pins protruding from the sphere of the virus itself, like the spines protruding around a sea urchin. Unfortunately, South African mutation It changes the protein itself. In other words, it can affect the effectiveness of the vaccine.

South African stocks are not the only ones raising concerns.There is New stock in Brazil Scientists claim that “there are also changes in important positions” in ways that can compromise the effectiveness of antibodies against the disease. Second, there is a strain known as B117 in the UK, which is less deadly than previous strains, but more susceptible to infection.

Dr. Dylan Morris, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, told Salon earlier this month about British stocks. “Even if the severity of the disease does not increase or decrease slightly, at this point in the pandemic,” more contagious “is still very scary.

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