Important health measures for COVID-19
Weight is an important measure of human health, but it is not the only one.
Yes, Recent bomb research Uncover the so-called “fat but fit” myth: The theory that regular exercise can combat the harmful effects of carrying excessive weight. The author of the study, Professor Alejandro Lucia of Madrid, found that overweight people with an active lifestyle were at higher risk of cardiovascular disease than their average weight companion.
However, medical experts have made it clear that while obesity is a legitimate medical concern, weight does not speak for itself when it comes to overall vulnerability to the disease.
“Weight is the only factor to consider when assessing someone’s health,” WebMD Chief Medical Officer Dr. John White told Post.
White said blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and heart rate also need to be examined to properly determine a patient’s complete health.
And, despite the biggest point of recent research, even the author Lucia argued that exercise was important: “At all weights, the probability of diabetes and hypertension decreased as physical activity increased. “He writes.
Indeed, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart failure. Not only are they all independently harmful, but they are also fundamental conditions that can exacerbate the effects of COVID-19.
Mark Fierstein, Internal Medicine Specialist at NYU Langone Lake Success, confirmed to The Post that adhering to a moderately intense training regimen can improve health at any weight.
“People need to do regular, active physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week to avoid it. [disease] And it promotes their overall health, “said Fearstein.
And exercise has advantages beyond the clinic. It releases endorphins, a hormone that promotes positive emotions and reduces the perception of pain in the brain, helping to combat the psychological problems associated with blockades such as stress and depression.
For Jesse Diaz Herrera, a plus-size fitness instructor, all of her body positivity dance workout classes are aimed at leading a healthy, happy and active lifestyle.
“Workouts are a practice of self-care,” 33-year-old Diaz Herrera told Post.
During her one-hour workout, a native New Yorker promotes a “movement for joy” and tramples on the stigma associated with being overweight.
“We look at Olympic athletes and NFL linebackers and never consider them unhealthy, even if they may be overweight,” said Diaz Herrera.
Below are some of the most important markers of physical health — beyond scale.
blood pressure
“Blood pressure is an indicator of healthy blood vessels, so it’s important to look at it,” White told Post. “Healthy blood vessels improve blood flow and prevent blood clots, arteriosclerosis, and heart disease.”
The reading is indicated by two numbers. The upper value, systolic blood pressure, is the maximum pressure that the heart exerts during beating, and the lower value, diastolic blood pressure, measures the amount of arterial pressure between heartbeats.
People with both average weight and overweight can suffer from high blood pressure or high blood pressure, weakening the immune system and making them more susceptible to COVID-19.
Fortunately, exercising at a moderately vigorous rate for 15-20 minutes a day opens blood vessels, allows the heart to pump more blood with less effort, and improves cardiovascular health.
Too much fatty material in the bloodstream can occlude blood vessels, increasing the risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, and complications from COVID-19.
“There is good cholesterol, a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) that reduces the risk of heart disease,” Fierstein told The Post. “Next, there is bad cholesterol, a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) that can cause obstruction of blood vessels.”
Total cholesterol also contains triglycerides stored in fat cells that are used to energize the body.
To lower cholesterol, experts suggest adopting a high-protein, high-fiber diet that is free of the saturated fats commonly found in lean meats and the trans fats commonly found in most snack foods. I will. Exercise not only reduces alcohol and tobacco intake, but also helps lower LDL. According to the Mayo Clinic..
Blood sugar
Blood sugar or blood sugar stores the energy taken from foods, especially foods high in carbohydrates.
“It’s important to monitor your blood sugar, as elevated blood sugar can indicate a serious health problem,” White told Post.
Hyperglycemia causes type 2 diabetes and can cause problems with the heart, kidneys, eyes, and blood vessels.
is more than Recent research The Journals of Medicine found that patients admitted with COVID-19 and having higher than normal blood sugar levels were at higher risk of death than normal, regardless of whether they had diabetes or not.
Blood sugar control has many implications for diet. Low-carb vegetables such as mushrooms, kale, and eggplant are good additives, and it helps to replace sweets with berries and low-sugar fruits. WebMD also proposes to incorporate health For best results, add fats such as salmon, avocado, and nuts to your diet.
Resting heart rate
Your heart rate is determined by the number of times your heart beats in a minute. The normal heart rate for adults is 60-100 beats per minute.
A low resting heart rate usually indicates good overall fitness, and a high resting heart rate may indicate cardiovascular disease. Smokers also tend to have a high resting heart rate.
Stress-relieving activities, such as regular exercise and meditation, can reduce your resting heart rate over time and keep your heart and immune system in a fight against COVID-19 and other illnesses.
“When the resting heart rate is low, the heart is pumped more efficiently. It extracts oxygen more efficiently from the blood and improves overall cardiovascular health.”
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