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Flock immunity vs coronavirus: how it works and the role of vaccines in ending the pandemic


Now that countries around the world have passed the peak of the first wave of coronavirus infection, public health officials are thinking about ways to protect people in the long run. The only way to do that would be to get immunity if people can develop antibodies through vaccination or after they have been infected and have recovered from the virus.

You need enough people to develop your immunity “Flock immunity” To protect the entire population. This also protects the non-immune people because they are so many that they are not immune, and prevents the virus from spreading further in the community.

Herd immunity will effectively end the COVID-19 pandemic. But it takes at least 18 months to develop a vaccine, so mass distribution has to wait.

Early in the pandemic, some countries plan to naturally develop the herd’s immunity by infecting people. Recovered patients will develop antibodies, but will have traces of death. This is certainly a dangerous route.

Particular parts of the population must be immunized against the virus in order to achieve a herd immunity that depends on the number of people with the common virus. This measurement is called Ro, “R-naught.”

Ro is not a fixed number as it can be reduced depending on conditions. Specifically, when people are socially separated and the virus is too far away to spread, or the number of people with immunity increases and the virus is unable to infect others.

Ro should be less than 1 in order to exacerbate the disease until the virus dies. Higher Ro means that more people also need immunity to achieve the goal of herd immunity.

But the United States is far from 50% of its population immune, and it’s difficult to know exactly how much national immunity has progressed. It is difficult to estimate Ro because there are still many people who are not tested due to limited testing.

read: Coronavirus: Harvard says social distance could win until 2020 unless critical care capabilities are enhanced and vaccines are discovered

Some governments, such as the UK, are considering spreading the virus throughout its population at the beginning of a pandemic. Even after reaching 500 confirmed cases, they allowed public gatherings.

But experts were advised that they might kill half a million people in the UK, so they were prevented from continuing their strategy. They then encouraged residents to work from home and practice social distances, and the Prime Minister ordered all British schools to close.

Similarly, it was Trump’s plan to boost the herd’s immunity by allowing the spread of the virus, but doing so could kill many people, Anthony of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said. Advised by Dr. Fauci, Reported by the Washington Post.

It’s still too early to think about intentional infections, and many are now sick due to unintentional spread that strains the healthcare community.

An early study by Chinese scientists who had not undergone a peer review found that some of the recovered COVID-19 patients did not express coronavirus-neutralizing antibodies, unlike those patients. In particular, there are approximately 175 participants in the study that did not develop the neutralizing protein required to confirm immunity from the virus.

Their findings suggest that these patients are still at risk of reinfection. In addition, even people with antibodies may not be able to fight off infections according to the following report Business insider. To date, it is unclear how much antibody a recovered COVID-19 patient can be protected.

In addition, there are reports of reinfections worldwide, increasing the uncertainty of being immunized by the virus. Another reason why seeking herd immunity without a vaccine is not a wise choice.

Also read: Anti-Vaxxers sow suspicions that may limit future coronavirus vaccine success

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