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Where did the Florida COVID-19 vaccine dose go in Central Florida?

Where did the Florida COVID-19 vaccine dose go in Central Florida?


Florida began vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine from the federal government in December. Since then, the state has received more than 3.6 million doses, according to the CDC. The federal government is up to each state to decide how to distribute the dose received. WESH 2 News combined federal, state, and county data to summarize the following breakdown of how many doses went to Central Florida and where they ended. Who and how many doses the state takes after contacting Florida Health Headquarters and the Emergency Management Department and being tasked with overseeing the distribution of state vaccinations via multiple phone calls and emails for over a week. Or it is unclear how to determine if the state maintains it. Keep track of exactly where each dose is heading. Neither department has responded yet. WESH 2 News contacts nine counties in Central Florida, with some departments of the Ministry of Health monitoring where doses are heading, while others refuse to respond. I found that I was doing it. According to the CDCHow, the nine counties WESH has contacted are Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Marion, Osceola, Orange, Seminole, Samter, and Volcia. The total number of vaccines FL has received from the federal government has exceeded 3.6 million. According to the CDC, FL has been given more than 2.2 million doses. More than 1.79 million people are receiving the first dose. 422,482 people have received two doses. How many of the state’s doses were paid to residents of Central Florida in these nine counties? According to the state, 20 percent of the state’s dose What percentage of the state’s population live in these nine central FL counties? According to the US Census Bureau, about 20% of the state’s total population and about 20% of the state’s elderly population receive vaccines in each county? Orange: 126,078 Brevard: 65,376 Volcia: 65,482 Lakes: 54,757 Seminoles: 54,390 Marion: 42,472 Osceola: 26,751 Sumters: 24,394 Flagler: 15,073 The main organizations that the state has vaccinated According to local medical experts, the states are these major Dose sent to groups: Department of Health Hospitals in each county Vaccine CVS, Walgreens & CDR Magwire Nonprofit & Church Where did the dose go in each county? The county’s Ministry of Health immunizes front-line healthcare workers and people over the age of 65. The information provided by each county is as follows: WESH2News.BrevardCountyDOH Brevard Site: Mt. Moriah ChurchBrevard HospitalsBrevard Health Alliance 2. Flagler County did not provide a list of locations 3. Lake County did not provide a list of locations 4. Marion County did not provide a list of locations5. Orange County did not provide a list of locations6. Seminole County Fixed Site: Oviedo Mall Mobile POD: Visiting a disadvantaged community of low bond transport Home Elderly Healthcare Workers 7. Samter County did not provide a list of locations 8. Volcia County Volcia County Trade Fair Dewey Bostar Park (Deltona) Daytona Stadium 9. Osceola County DOH Osceola Main Site: Centro Cristiano da Sildes Depactos Church 10. Polk County (also providing information) Polk County University, Lakeland Campus Cypress Lakes, Lakeland Hampton, Auburndale Talbot House, Lakeland FAM Church, Mulberry County Health Department, Lakeland Clinic Beacon Terrace, Lakeland Azalea Apartments Central RV Park, Lake WalesSandpiper Community, LakelandFloral Lake, BartowHeartland RV Resort and Heartland Estates, Haines CityNew Mount Zion Church, Haines CityBreeze Hill, Lake Wales Transferred to the following Vaccine Partners to assist in immunization from the registered list as. Available: Lakeland Community Health Winter Haven Hospital Polk County Fire Rescue How many times has the hospital been vaccinated from Watson Clinic? In January, the state released a list of hospitals that sent vaccines, but the state did not announce the number of vaccines, sending them to each hospital. AdventHealth said the state provided more than 40,000 doses. OrlandoHealth said the state provided nearly 75,000 doses. Hospitals are immunizing front-line healthcare professionals and have recently focused on vaccination of “very vulnerable” people who may represent a particular combination of age. Chronic lung disease, severe heart disease, immunodeficiency, conditions including severe obesity; certain underlying disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, liver disease, etc., when not well controlled. According to Orlando Health, neurological conditions such as cerebrovascular accidents, dementia and Down syndrome. How many vaccines does the state send to Publix? Both the state and Publix offer a total number of vaccines. Publix spokespersons immunize people over the age of 65, front-line healthcare professionals, residents, and staff of longer medical facilities in more rural stores and areas without an established distribution network. I said there is. How many vaccines does the state send to CVS, Walgreens, and CDR McGwire? The state sends vaccines to these private companies to help immunize people in skilled nursing and living support facilities. CVS said it had given a total of 166,597 doses Walgreens said it had given a total of 113,000 doses CDR McGwire said it had given more than 37,000 doses The state has given several vaccines to nonprofits and churches Did you send it? Information that the state does not provide this.

Florida began vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine from the federal government in December.

Since then, the state has received more than 3.6 million doses, according to the CDC. The federal government is up to each state to decide how to distribute the dose received.

WESH 2 News combined federal, state, and county data to summarize the following breakdown of how many doses went to Central Florida and where they ended.

Who and how many doses the state takes after contacting Florida Health Headquarters and the Emergency Management Department and being tasked with overseeing the distribution of state vaccinations via multiple phone calls and emails for over a week. Or it is unclear how to determine if the state maintains it. Keep track of exactly where each dose is heading. Neither department has responded yet.

WESH 2 News contacts nine counties in Central Florida, with some departments of the Ministry of Health monitoring where doses are heading, while others refuse to respond. I found that I was doing it. The nine counties that WESH has contacted are Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Marion, Osceola, Orange, Seminole, Samter, and Volcia.

What is the total number of vaccines FL has received from the federal government?

More than 3.6 million doses, according to the CDC

How many times is it administered in FL?

More than 2.2 million doses, according to the CDC
More than 1.79 million received the first dose
422,482 received two doses

How many of the state’s doses were given to residents of Central Florida in these nine counties?

According to about 20% of the state’s dose State

What percentage of the state’s population lives in these nine Central Florida counties?

About 20% of the state’s total population and about 20% of the state’s elderly population, according to the US Census Bureau

How many residents were vaccinated in each county?

  1. Orange: 126,078
  2. Breverd: 65,376
  3. Volusia: 65,482
  4. Lake: 54,757
  5. Seminole: 54,390
  6. Marion: 42,472
  7. Oceana: 26,751
  8. Samter: 24,394
  9. Flagler: 15,073

What are the main organizations that the state has sent vaccines to?

According to local health experts, the state sent doses to these major groups:

  1. Ministry of Health in each county
  2. hospital
  3. Publix
  4. CVS, Walgreens, CDR McGwire
  5. Nonprofits and churches

Where did the dose in each county go?

The county’s Ministry of Health immunizes front-line healthcare workers and people over the age of 65. The information provided by each county for WESH2 news is as follows:

  1. Brevard County
      • DOH Breast Site: Mountain Moria Church
      • Breverd Hospital
      • Brevered Health Alliance

      2.2. Flagler County

        Did not provide a list of locations

        3. Lake County

          Did not provide a list of locations

          4. Marion County

            Did not provide a list of locations

            5. Orange County

              Did not provide a list of locations

              6. Seminole County

                • Fixed site: Oviedo Mall
                • Mobile POD: Visit disadvantaged communities of low-bond transportation
                • Seniors who returned to Japan
                • Health care workers

                7. Samter County

                  Did not provide a list of locations

                  8. Volcia County

                    • Volusia County Fairgrounds
                    • Dewey Bostar Park (Deltona)
                    • Daytona Stadium

                    9. Osceola County

                      • DOH Oseora Main Site: Centro Cristianos Dios de Pactos Church

                      10. Pork County (also provides information)

                        • Pork State University, Lakeland Campus
                        • Cypress Lakes, Lakeland
                        • Hamptons, Auburndale
                        • Talbot House, Lakeland
                        • FAM Church, Mulberry
                        • Lakeland Clinic County Health Department
                        • Beacon terrace, Lakeland
                        • Azalea Apartments, Lakeland
                        • Camp Central RV Park, Lake Wales
                        • Lakeland Sand Piper Community
                        • Floral Lake, Bartow
                        • Heartland RV Resort and Heartland Estates, Haynes City
                        • New Mount Sion Church in Haines City
                        • Breeze Hill, Lake Wales

                        In addition, due to the availability of the vaccine, the vaccine was transferred to the next vaccine partner to assist in vaccination from the registration list.

                        • Lake Laundry Regional Health
                        • Winter Haven Hospital
                        • Pork County Fire Rescue
                        • Watson Clinic

                        How many doses did the hospital receive from the state?

                        In January, the state announced this List of hospitals They sent vaccines, but the state did not disclose the number of vaccines sent to each hospital.

                        AdventHealth said the state provided more than 40,000 doses.

                        Orlando Health said the state provided them with nearly 75,000 doses.

                        Hospitals are vaccination of front-line healthcare professionals and have recently been able to represent a combination of age and certain conditions such as chronic lung disease, severe heart disease, immunodeficiency, and severe obesity. Focuses on vaccination of “very vulnerable” people. Certain underlying disorders that are not well controlled, such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, and liver disease. According to Orlando Health, cerebrovascular accidents and neurological conditions such as dementia and Down syndrome.

                        How many vaccines did the state send to Publix?

                        Both the state and Publix offer a total number of vaccines. Publix spokespersons immunize people over the age of 65, front-line healthcare professionals, residents, and staff of longer medical facilities in more rural stores and areas without an established distribution network. I said there is.

                        How many vaccines does the state send to CVS, Walgreens, and CDR McGwire?

                        The state sends vaccines to these private companies to help immunize people in skilled nursing and living support facilities.

                        CVS said it had given a total of 166,597 doses.

                        Walgreens said it had given a total of 113,000 doses.

                        CDR McGwire stated that it had been administered more than 37,000 times.

                        How many vaccines does the state send to nonprofits and churches?

                        The state does not provide this information.


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