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Professor Chris Whitti urges the public to stick to the rules as the blockade is eased

Professor Chris Whitti urges the public to stick to the rules as the blockade is eased


England’s chief health officer warned people to follow the rules as the blockade was eased, saying that if they relaxed too quickly there would be a “very rapid surge in infection.”

Professor Chris Whitti acknowledged that relaxing the restrictions naturally meant a “proliferation of cases” and that the reproduction number (R) approaches or exceeds the important threshold of 1.

Vaccination requires a “significant burden” to lower R, and while many older and vulnerable people are protected by vaccination, more cases will die if the virus is released, he said. Says. Said.

Healthy coronavirus
(PA graphics)

He said at a press conference in Downing Street that there are still “very important” numbers of coronavirus patients in the UK every day.

He added: “Many people are still hospitalized for this illness. That’s not the end, but it’s the key to achieving a steady, risk-based, data-driven release.

“But when you go through the various stages, you have to stick to the guidelines, because otherwise you will find that the fees are very high and some people are not protected. By vaccination. “

Sir Patrick Valence, the government’s chief scientific adviser, said observing the rules would help minimize the number of deaths as the blockade would be relaxed.

He states: “In terms of minimizing the number of deaths, it’s a slow process, and we all follow the rules.

“So when you have a chance to do a little more, it’s not an invitation to do more, but an invitation to do a little more.”

He said it was “how we must act as we go through this development.”

Coronavirus – Monday, February 22, 2021
Chief Scientific Advisor Serpatrick Valence (Leon Neil / Pennsylvania)

While the vaccine reduces deaths and protects the elderly, Professor Whitty said the vaccine should not be left behind as there are still people hospitalized with serious illnesses under the age of 50.

However, he said the country would have to get used to the death of a certain number of Covid-19 each year because the virus is not eliminated.

“Every year in the UK, like in all other countries, a significant number of people die of respiratory infections,” he said.

Influenza kills about 9,000 people annually, and in bad years it is much more common, but there are also pneumonia, adenovirus, and other respiratory infections.

“For the time being, we are worried that the coronavirus will be added to the list of things that could put vulnerable people at risk, despite vaccination.”

He said the coronavirus “is likely to be a problem, especially in the next few winters.”

Sir Patrick said some measures may need to be returned to next winter, such as wearing a mask, taking a leave of absence if infected with a respiratory virus, and washing hands more regularly.

As part of the roadmap, the government has embodied plans for a re-vaccination campaign that is likely to take place this fall and winter.

Re-vaccination may consist of a single booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, which is likely to address the mutant.

The government roadmap states: “In the long run, re-vaccination can be a regular part of Covid-19’s management.”

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