Tennessee Moves to Phase 1c of COVID-19 Vaccination
Knox County will add the largest group to vaccine eligibility starting next Monday, March 8th.
Phase 1cThe contacts of pregnant women and households of high-risk individuals, including those over the age of 16 with one of many eligible chronic illnesses, are vaccinated earlier than expected.
More:This is how the COVID-19 vaccine is distributed in Knox County
Everyone involved in the phase can add their name to the Knox County Health Department’s waiting list or register for available appointments with other providers on Monday morning.
Who are you targeting?
Phase 1c of the Tennessee Immunization Program includes people in chronic health and their caregivers.
Dr. Lisa Piercy, director of health at Tennessee, said pregnant women, their family contacts, and people living with children with chronic illnesses were also recently added to the phase.
Authorities have chosen not to move to the next age group, including individuals under the age of 65.
The target is as follows.
- Individuals 16 years and older diagnosed with any of the following high-risk health conditions:
- Chronic kidney disease
- COPD, pulmonary fibrosis or moderate to severe asthma
- Obesity (BMI 30 or higher)
- Heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertension
- Sickle cell, thalassemia
- Cerebrovascular accident, stroke
- dementia
- Liver disease
- Pregnant women over 16 years old
- Technically dependent individuals over the age of 16, their caregivers, and other residents of the household
- Individuals in wheelchairs for high-risk medical conditions, ventilator-dependent with tracheostomy, oxygen-dependent, or requiring tube feeding, parenteral feeding or dialysis, etc.
- Individuals 16 years and older with immunodeficiency, their caregivers, and other residents of the household
- People receiving chemotherapy, those in need of oral steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs daily, those in need of medication to control diabetes, diagnosed with HIV / AIDS or other high-risk immunodeficiencies People etc.
- Household residents and caregivers of children 16 years and older:
- There are complex congenital heart disorders that require continuous medical management, such as tetralogy of Fallot, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and double outlet right ventricle.
- Qualify for Katie Becket Exemption
More:Booking COVID-19 Vaccination in Knox County: Kroger is a new option
How to make a reservation
Vaccines are available through several providers throughout the county. The Knox County Health Department is filling an appointment from the waiting list where you can add your name online or by phone from 8:30 am on Monday.
If you are accessing the waiting list online A pop-up box will appear on the screen, directing the user to the waiting list. Individuals are required to enter their name and contact information and answer a series of eligibility questions before being added.
If you do not have computer or internet access, you can add to your waiting list by calling 865-215-5555 or 311 Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
More:Advice from a Tennessee who secured a vaccine appointment: “Don’t just give up”
When additional vaccines arrive, individuals on the waiting list will be contacted about available appointments in the order in which their names appear in the list. There is no way to know where you are on the list or how many people are waiting in front of you. More than 22,000 people were on the list as of Tuesday afternoon, Buchanan said.
Individuals have the option to add their name to the standby list. The standby list is used when the vaccine remains at the end of the event and needs immediate use. If you are interested in joining this list, you should be able to come to the clinic as soon as you receive a call.
Buchanan told Knox News that waiting lists are the primary way to secure spots, and patients will be notified by phone or email if they are available.
Knox News tracks appointments across Knox County..Also available for individuals Vaccine Search for appointments available in East Tennessee.
More:How does Knox County prevent people from cutting the COVID-19 vaccine line?
Does the patient have to show evidence of illness?
Dr. Martha Buchanan, director of health at Knox County, told Knox News that, like all eligible individuals, people with chronic medical conditions would not be required to provide evidence of their illness before being vaccinated.
“We must trust people to be honest and not be ahead of others,” Buchanan said on Tuesday.
Why is Knox County moving forward?
To avoid confusion between counties, Knox County is in step with the state regarding eligibility.
Demand has far exceeded supply in the last few months, and adding more than a million Tennessees to eligibility is not an easy decision. But Mr. Piercy said he was confident that the state could make a major effort.
“The reason we go ahead and speed up to that stage is in anticipation of the expected surplus of this large amount of vaccine in the next few weeks,” said Piercey.
More:Knox County has the highest number of vaccinations in Tennessee, but the slowest
On Tuesday morning, Tennessee is expected to increase shipments of Pfizer and Modana vaccines by 30-40%, in addition to additional doses of Johnson & Johnson, Piercy said. By the end of March, Tennessee could receive more than 300,000 vaccines a week, according to Pearcy.
Despite the increased dose, Piercey said vaccination of people in Phase 1c could take some time.
“Unfortunately, many of these chronic diseases that qualify for this population occur at a high rate,” said Piercey. “So we expect considerable demand, and we are trying to balance it with the supply that will come in the next few weeks.”
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