What you need to know about Pfizer, Moderna and J & J
Which COVID-19 vaccine should I choose if I have a choice?
For now, the experts are clear — the best vaccine is what you’re trying to get into your arm. However, as the supply of vaccines expands, Americans may eventually ask someone, “Which vaccine do you want?”
The answer for most people is “whatever is available”. That said, doctors are unanimous, but all three currently licensed vaccines work very well to protect against severe illness, hospitalization, and death, but the differences that can play a role. there is.
Dr. Catherine Edwards, director of science at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine’s Vaccine Research Program, said the current shot is better than waiting for another. It can benefit both individuals and society by reducing the overall spread of the disease.
Beyond that, there are small trade-offs for current vaccines. In general, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines require two doses and are somewhat effective. Johnson & Johnson requires a single dose and is slightly less likely to cause side effects.
The “one-of-a-kind” aspect of Johnson & Johnson is a selling point for many.
An illustrated guide to what to expect before and after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine
Pedro Betancourt works at an airport in Miami and “can’t seize the opportunity,” he said. His choice is “Johnson & Johnson for a convenient one-shot”. He didn’t say it was grumpy because both he and his wife experienced COVID-19, but he described it as “gentle but scary.”
For now, “I hope everyone takes the vaccination seriously so that we can start moving forward normally,” he said.
Effectiveness: Check the effective rate
Overall, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna showed slightly higher efficacy rates in clinical trials than Johnson & Johnson.
That’s enough for Tom Cavanagh in Lexington Park, Maryland. If he has a choice, he chooses one, but it’s open to everyone.
“Because I was in the U.S. military, I’ve been vaccinated a lot without any knowledge, so I’m hoping for the best I can get,” he said.
One way to tackle this might be to determine if you are at a very high risk of getting sick or dying from COVID-19, or if someone in your family is. Hilda Bastian said. I’m writing about the COVID-19 vaccine..
For “high risk”:People with immune problems are hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccination.This is what the experts say
People in that group may opt for the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine.
For those who do not have high-risk people in their homes, and who are not themselves high-risk, the slightly positive effect is less important. The ease of use of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine can be more important.
“They may think,’As long as I’m doing it little by little for the community, if that’s enough, that’s enough,'” Bastian said.
Immunity: How fast does it work?
How soon the vaccine prevention will start and how long it will last is still under consideration. No long-term data are available as none of the vaccines are more than a year old.
Dr. Otto Yang, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine and deputy chief of infectious diseases, said the vaccine does not provide immediate protection due to biological restrictions at work.
“It takes time for antibodies and T cells to build up to the right levels, especially antibodies that also require“ maturation ”. “He said.
The Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine may seem faster, but it’s not always the case.
According to one study, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 46% effective in preventing infection 14-20 days after the first dose and 92% one week after the second dose.
for modernThe vaccine was 80.2% effective after a single dose and 95.6% after a second dose.
It’s not much different from Johnson & Johnson. Professor Akiko Iwasaki of Yale University said that protection from serious illness after 28 days was 85% and after 49 days it was 100%.
Tracking COVID-19 vaccine distribution by state:How many people are vaccinated in the United States?
She admitted that there was no good direct data.
“But we’re comparing apples and oranges because they measure efficacy differently. Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech as symptomatological infections, Johnson & Johnson as moderate to severe illnesses,” she said.
How well the vaccine works against the newly emerging COVID-19 mutant is another factor.
Scientists say it’s hard to really know if any of the three will work better for the mutants, as the vaccines have been tested at different times when different mutants are circulating.
Still, some Americans like Johnson & Johnson.
“If I could choose, I would go with Johnson & Johnson because this vaccine protects people from mutants. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna appeared before the variants appeared. We did, “said James Bock of Rockford, Illinois.
Side effects: fever, chills, malaise
All three COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States can cause short-term side effects in some people, including pain at the injection site, malaise, headache, muscle aches, and joint pain.
These are signs that the immune system is in full swing and not a bad thing. It does not mean that the vaccine is unsafe.
In the case of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, more than half of the people who get them develop chills and fever after a few days. Vanderbilt’s Edwards states that if you do not have COVID-19, the response tends to be stronger after the second dose.
What does the victory over the COVID-19 pandemic look like? USA TODAY Vaccine Panel
“If you’ve been infected with COVID before, you’ll get sick on the first dose and sick on the second dose,” she said.
These differences can be important to some people. For example, young people tend to have more side effects because their immune system is generally stronger.
“If I’m an older person, I might not have to rest for a few days to take a shot, so Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna is fine,” Bastian said.
She said young people, or those who have difficulty working the day, may prefer the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
For those who aren’t excited about the whole vaccine idea, Johnson & Johnson may be preferable because it’s a single shot.
“They may say,’It’s not that much to ask. I do it,” Bastian said.
Anaphylaxis: 4.5 cases per M dose
For Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, Report Anaphylaxis, a small number of people experiencing an immediate severe allergic reaction that requires discontinuation of ephedrine administration. The average incidence was 4.5 cases per million doses.
This is why people who receive these vaccines have to wait 15 minutes before leaving where medical personnel are waiting to treat the vaccine.
Johnson & Johnson seems to have a low incidence of these reactions, which may be because they are new and not given to many.
“We are still flying blindly”:Treatment of COVID-19 is better than it was a year ago, but there is still a long way to go
Dr. Gregory Poland, Director of the Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group and Editor-in-Chief of Journal Vaccines, said:
Edwards said that one-third of those who responded severely had a history of anaphylaxis and three-quarters had a known allergy to one of the components of the vaccine.
“The important thing to know is that no one has died in these reactions,” she said.
Dr. Buddy Creech, director of Vanderbild’s vaccine research program, said experts gave Johnson & Johnson vaccine as a second dose to a very small number of people who showed an anaphylactic response to the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. He said he was discussing whether it should be done.
“If you’re concerned about allergies, we encourage you to discuss using Johnson & Johnson for your second shot with your healthcare provider,” says Kleech.
Take the vaccine available
In general, according to experts, the vaccine you can get is the best vaccine for you.
Paula Musich, located in Ashland, Oregon, sees this: She will be happy with what is offered.
“I called today, but I didn’t even make a reservation. I don’t think they’ll give us a choice right away,” she said.
But if the choice is offered, which one should I get?Here are some considerations
- If for some reason vaccination is difficult, a one-time Johnson & Johnson vaccine may be desirable.
- For maximum protection of your belt and suspenders, we recommend choosing Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.
- If you know that you are prone to severe allergic reactions, we recommend choosing Johnson & Johnson, but something is very unlikely to happen and your healthcare professional will handle it.
Finally, whichever you get, the number of COVID-19 vaccines may increase in the future. Many scientists don’t know if it’s every year or every few years, but they think booster shots are likely to be needed. COVID is not done with us and we haven’t ended with COVID yet.
Mike Cascone of Sunnyvale, California loves the plan. Half a joke, he said. Then I’m completely covered. “
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