A woman discovers that she has “two vagina, two cervix” during childbirth
Key Point
- Became viral on Tiktok after sharing her story that she discovered that a woman had two vagina
- The woman said she thought her two openings were only the grown hymen
- Uterus didelphysiology is a condition in which a woman is born with two uteri.
Until she gave birth, Brittany Jacobs was unaware that she had two openings in her vaginal area.
For 25 years, the possibility of having two vagina, cervix, and uterus never exceeded Jacobs’ heart until the nurse told her her unique condition.
“Oh honey, you have two vagina, two cervix, and two uteri,” said the nurse while Jacobs was giving birth to her first child. Brittany, now 26, TikTok video It has now reached about 2.7 million views online.
However, this does not mean that Brittany was unaware of the peculiarities of her vaginal area. When she was a kid, she always thought that the two openings in her genitals were just hymens.
“I always believed it was my hymen, and as I got older I thought it was really hard and might break someday,” she said. Buzzfeed.. Brittany also shared that he experienced two separate periods a month and felt intolerable pain at any time during menstruation.
In the video, the new mother said her period was “very terrible and crying.” He also said that the tampon was bleeding within minutes of using the tampon and that the sexual intercourse was not accurate. Take a walk in the park.
She continued to accept discomfort as part of her life, as doctors reassured Jacobs that the pain she experienced during sex and menstrual pain was not a sign of abnormalities. It was during her labor that she probably received one of the greatest revelations of her life.
Jacobs was finally diagnosed Uterus didelphysiology, This is a condition in which a woman is born with two wombs. And while the condition does not fail to surprise those diagnosed with it, uterine horn fusion is not really considered a rare event, New York post report.
Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, A clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive science at Yale University School of Medicine explained the condition via Buzzfeed.
“The female reproductive system is actually made up of two tubular structures (right and left) that connect to each other,” she began.
“These tubes combine to basically form the uterus, cervix and reach the vagina. What happens after the fusion of these two? When the two tubes fuse, something between them Disappears and dissolves. This is two tubes, that is, depending on how much the septum does not disappear, the fusion of these two tubes results in two completely adjacent tubes. It’s possible, “says the doctor.
Dr. Minkin then reminded that a person diagnosed with uterine horn fusion is not considered abnormal or bizarre, as it is not actually considered a rare event.
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