8 actors who were charged with murder or manslaughter
Matthew Broderick
Matthew Broderick’s escape from the law is often forgotten, but in 1987, Ferris Bueller’s day off The actor almost spent time behind bars after a horrific car accident.
Broderick was driving in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland when he got into the wrong lane and caused a head-on collision. The driver and passenger of the other vehicle were instantly killed.
He was charged with “causing death by dangerous driving”, which was ultimately reduced to a small charge of reckless driving, with Broderick fined $ 175 instead of going to jail.
Robert Blake
The child actor who became the pillar of Hollywood, Robert Blake, was tried for the murder of his wife Bonnie Lee Bakley, who was found shot in the head after Blake returned to a restaurant to recover a weapon which, he said had been left inside.
the In cold blood star was charged with the murder, in addition to other charges based on witnesses claiming that he had tried to hire them to commit the murder. The charges were dropped after a jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision, all but one voting in favor of the acquittal.
The decision was confirmed, but Blake had to pay Bakley’s family $ 30 million in a wrongful death lawsuit.
O.J. Simpson
Prior to his murder trial, O.J. Simpson was best known for his college football and NFL career with the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers. He also moved on to a stable acting career on television and film after quitting football. He appeared in all three Naked pistol movies, Towering Hell, an episode of Roots and many other projects. He also welcomed Saturday Night Live 1978.
In 1994, Simpson was charged with the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and his friend, Ron Goldman. The trial, dubbed the “trial of the century,” became a massive media event from Simpson’s arrest and car chase until his possible acquittal.
While Simpson was laundered, he was found responsible in a civil action and ordered to pay the victim’s families $ 25 million.
Snoop dogg
In one of the most notorious hip hop legal cases, Snoop Dogg was charged with the 1993 murder of Phillip Woldermariam.
Snoop allegedly drove a vehicle while his bodyguard, McKinley Lee, shot the victim. Driving the car makes him responsible for the murder in the eyes of the prosecution.
With a defense from Johnnie Cochran, the two men were eventually acquitted of the crime.
Johnny Lewis
One of the most tragic falls on this list is that of the ancients Son of Anarchy star Johnny Lewis, who played Half-Sack on the show.
Lewis, who has also appeared on The O.C. and Drake & Josh, was found dead in its owner’s driveway on September 26, 2012. It is believed that Lewis died accidentally and murdered his owner.
“It was a tragic end for an extremely talented guy, who unfortunately lost his way”, Son of Anarchy creator Kurt Sutter said of death.
“I wish I could say that I was shocked by the events of last night, but I was not. I am deeply sorry that an innocent life must have been thrown in its destructive path. Yes, it “is the day of mourning, but it is also a day of awareness and gratitude. Unfortunately, some of us pass the message on by dying,” he added.
Joe Son
Joe Son, better known as the Random Task Austin Powers, has had a long and difficult legal past, with several rape charges laid against him.
His murder brush occurred in 2012. The 44-year-old actor was charged with beating the death of his cellmate in a Kern county jail.
He was recently convicted of a lesser charge of intentional homicide after a two-week trial.
Ricardo Medina
Power Rangers Actor Ricardo Medina pleaded guilty to intentional homicide in March.
As previously reported, Medina argued with her roommate, Josh Sutter, 36, in January 2015 about Medina’s girlfriend. The situation quickly worsened and became physical, Medina stabbing Sutter repeatedly with a sword.
Medina admitted to being stabbed and was then sentenced to six years in prison.
Medina performed the Red Ranger, aka Cole Evans, on 2002 Power Rangers Wild Force. He was also involved in the 2012 Power Rangers Super Samurai series.
Jeremy Lindholm
Jeremy Lindholm, an actor in the Showtime cover season of Twin peaks, was arrested on attempted murder and other charges in August.
Lindholm appeared as the character of Mickey in a scene opposite Harry Dean Stanton’s Carl Rodd in the series, but shortly after the episode in which he aired, he allegedly assaulted a woman with a baseball bat.
Spokane, Washington, police responded to the situation and received “information suggesting that the suspect’s intention was to kill the victim”.
there was “information suggesting that the suspect’s intention was to kill the victim”.
Lindholm was later convicted of second degree attempted murder and second degree assault. HE was also charged with assaulting the friend of the primary victim.
Other actors previously accused of manslaughter and / or murder:
Lane Garrison (Prison escape)
Felicia Pearson (Thread)
Michael Jace (The shield)
Lillo Brancato Jr. (the Sopranos)
Rebecca Gayheart (Urban legend/Beverly Hills, 90210)
Amy Locane (Melrose Place)
Charles Dutton (Alien 3 / Rock)
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