Experimental blood tests detect cancer in people who did not know they had cancer
Developing an effective blood test is a step in the race. Blood tests can tell people that they may have cancer long before symptoms begin. Currently, very few types of cancer can be screened.
The team at Johns Hopkins University, where the test was developed, says commercial products are several years away and are working on fine-tuning the test-many cancers were not found by blood tests alone. However, their results are the first to prove that it is possible to screen multiple types of cancer at once with a blood test.
They tested about 10,000 asymptomatic women. Patients who tested positive had a combined PET and CT scan to look for tumors.
Of 10,000 women, the test found 26 cancers that were later confirmed by PET / CT, the team reported in Science on Tuesday.
They included types of cancer that are not usually captured before they have already spread because they cause such subtle symptoms early on.
“They didn’t know they had cancer before the test was done,” Dr. Bert Vogelstein, a researcher at Johns Hopkins, who heads the research team, told CNN.
Volunteers were treated for cancer as part of their research.
“In some cases, curative surgery was performed. We don’t yet know that those patients were cured,” Vogelstein said.
Six of the volunteers had ovarian cancer, which is difficult to treat for cancers that are usually undetected until they have spread and are fatal. Vogelstein described one case in which ovarian cancer was still in its first stage and had not spread at all.
“Her five-year survival rate is predicted to be 91%,” Vogelstein said. “If she hadn’t been discovered until she had metastasized (spread), her predicted survival would have been 26%.”
The volunteers weren’t cancerous after 11 months, he said.
Catch cancer in time for treatment
Nine other women were diagnosed with lung cancer. Lung cancer is another type of cancer that does not show symptoms until it is treated too late.
The test was far from perfect. An additional 70 women in the trial were diagnosed with cancers that were not found by blood tests. As part of the exam, volunteers also received standard cancer screening. Mammogram and colonoscopy.
“Twenty-four more cancers were detected in standard treatment screens and 46 were not detected by either approach,” the researchers wrote. The other 46 cancers became apparent through symptoms.
However, only 1% of women screened by blood test showed false positives. This means that the tests showed they had cancer, but the PET / CT scan found no evidence of it.
Mammograms can detect early breast cancer. Colonoscopy can detect early colorectal cancer and can also prevent cancer by removing precancerous growth. Similarly, a Pap smear can also give doctors the opportunity to detect cervical cancer and stop it before it has fully developed. However, blood tests can point doctors at several different types of cancer at once.
Vogelstein warns that the test is far from the market. “This is just the first step,” he said.
The team is currently planning a large test and shows that the test works without too many false positives.
Vogelstein cautioned the team that their volunteers would not be traumatized by this experience. “The information was communicated to the patient and his doctor, so the test results could actually affect their care,” he said.
“One of our main concerns in the design is that we need to make sure patients are contacted, they know exactly what they can and cannot do, and they are informed about the need to continue other cancers. It is to incorporate a safety valve to confirm precautions and mammography and colonoscopy. “
The researchers didn’t want to give false negatives to volunteers who had a negative blood test to encourage them to stop the cancer screening.
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