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Albanian government will not manage EU funds for school reconstruction – exit


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and European Commission President Ursula von der Lin

The Albanian government will have no say in how the European Union funds are used in a project to rebuild and rebuild schools damaged by the November 26 earthquake.

The exit had previously been sent to the European Union delegation who stated that “the funds that the European Union recently provided for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of schools will be managed by the United Nations Development Program”

Upon contacting, UNDP Albania confirmed that “the evaluation teams for all procurement will consist of UNDP and do not expect government participation”.

They also clarified that all funds provided by the European Union to the UNDP for the EU4Schools project are managed independently of any other funds managed by the UNDP. Also, this money has nothing to do with the resources the government has for reconstruction after the earthquake. This money will be used to repair and build 22 schools, and it is not part of the list of schools that the government is currently organizing purchases.

With regard to the procurement operations to be used by the United Nations Development Program, they made it clear that they must adhere strictly to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Development Program, which were approved by the Executive Board. It is these mandates that award contracts through a competitive process through formal tenders.

It must adhere to UNDP principles and standards, including the best value for money, fairness, integrity, transparency, and effective international competition, and be in the interest of UNDP. This means that any commercial transactions must comply with the mandates and principles of the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations.

They explained these points in their response to the exit:

“As a public organization with donor funds committed to supporting developing economies, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) works to improve access to quality assured supplies in a cost-effective and reliable manner. We do this by adhering to the following UNDP principles and standards:

Best value for money, which consists of choosing the offer that best meets the needs of the end user and that provides the best return on investment. The best value for money is the result of several factors, including quality, experience, seller reputation, life cycle costs and benefits, and criteria that measure the quality of a good or service that allows an organization to achieve its social, environmental, or other strategic goals.
Fairness, integrity and transparency, ensuring that competitive processes are fair, open and rule-based. All potential vendors must be treated equally, and the process must be characterized by clear evaluation criteria, unambiguous solicitation instructions, factual requirements, and rules and procedures that are understandable.
Effective international competition is understood to give all potential sellers appropriate and timely information about UNDP requirements, as well as equal opportunities to participate in procurement procedures; and
In the interest of the United Nations Development Program, which means that any commercial transactions must comply with the mandates and principles of the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations. ”

Exit has previously indicated that government purchases virtually exclude any international bidders.

One tender worth 33.4 million euros to rebuild schools, only received the attention of Albanian companies. These government favorites included Fusha shpk, Albstar shpk, Salillari shpk, Gjikuria shpk and Vellezerit Hysa shpk.

While it was announced as international bidding, the participation of foreign companies was impossible due to the deadline for submitting applications in nine out of 20 days stipulated by law.

Government procurement raises a number of questions, but it is now clear that European Union funds will be managed by the United Nations Development Program on behalf of the European Union and that these government bids apply to other funds. The EU funds will be managed according to the best UN practices and requirements, without any administration from the Albanian government.

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