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How zygomycosis or black mold infection spreads to the brain

How zygomycosis or black mold infection spreads to the brain


In the second wave of COVID-19 in India, zygomycosis, commonly known as the black fungus, is the most commonly reported complication after COVID-19. This is a rare but serious fungal infection caused by a group of molds called slime molds. Mucormycosis is usually not contagious and does not show symptoms when contacted with an infected person. However, people who are being treated for organ transplants, heart disease, cancer, COVID-19, or a health condition that significantly weakens the immune system are at increased risk of developing this infection. Given the increasing number of cases of zygomycosis in COVID-19 patients, the disease has been declared an epidemic in several states in the country. Black mold can affect multiple parts and organs of the body, including the brain. What if the black mold attacks the brain? Dr. PN Renjen, a stroke neurologist at the Institute of Neuroscience, Indraplasta Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, answers this question. Continue reading- Read again- Uncontrolled diabetes, improper use of steroids causes black mold in COVID-19 patients

Why is zygomycosis becoming more and more common among COVID-19 patients?

Mucormycosis affects COVID-19 patients with long-term administration. steroid And the subsequent health status of immunodeficiency. It is more commonly reported in patients with other comorbidities such as diabetes, renal failure, and cancer, or who have had kidney / liver transplants, and who have been on long-term steroids. Read again- MIS-C infections that spread rapidly among children after recovery from coronavirus infection: symptoms to watch out for

How does the infection with zygomycosis spread to the brain?

In general, mucormycosis infections spread through the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body. When zygomycosis affects the organs and tissues of the body, it causes nerve damage and blood clots. When these blood clots spread to other parts of the body, they damage other parts of the body. Similarly, when these blood clots spread to the brain, a tumor with a stroke develops. Read again- Aspergillosis infection reported in India after black, white, and yellow fungi recover after Covid

Most common place Black mold It may affect the face. It can enter the body through the nostrils, into the sinuses, and from there to the eyes and brain. Other forms of the disease can infect the lungs, stomach, intestines, and skin. It is generally spread by breathing infected spores, ingesting contaminated food, or attaching spores to open wounds.

Signs of a black fungus Infection has spread to the brain

Symptoms of this black fungal infection depend on the affected body part. It generally affects the sinuses and brain. Symptoms are:

  • Runny nose
  • Swelling and pain on one side of the face
  • headache
  • heat
  • Tissue death

Some patients with reported black fungi in their brain tissue also had the following symptoms:

  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • stroke

Neurological problems

Fungal infections cause serious complications in immunocompromised patients, and central nervous system involvement can have fatal consequences. Here are some of the neurological problems:

  • Meningitis
  • encephalitis
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Brain abscess
  • Stroke syndrome

Educating patients about their symptoms is important because it helps them detect their illness early.

How is Black Mold Infection Diagnosed?

By considering the patient’s medical history, symptoms, physical examination, and some laboratory tests, healthcare professionals can detect the infection. Diagnosis of black mold is easy and includes the following:

  • Endoscopy with a telescope
  • Culture or biopsy
  • CT scan
  • MRI to know the degree of illness

What can I do to prevent black mold infection?

Normally, the body’s immunity can completely cope with zygomycosis. However, in a pandemic scenario, you can avoid the risk in the following ways:

  • Good control of risk factors
  • Avoid long-term use of steroids
  • Be more careful with your patients. Comorbidities
  • Wearing a mask and regular hygiene

Treatment of black mold includes antifungal treatment (amphotericin B injection) and surgery to remove the infected area to prevent a rapidly invasive infection.

In summary, the treatment of zygomycosis requires a multidisciplinary approach. If the first is prevention and the second is infection, early diagnosis of the disease will help the patient recover.

Published: June 8, 2021 at 10:42 am | Updated: June 8, 2021 at 11:05

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