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Fire destroys historic Copenhagen Stock Exchange building

Fire destroys historic Copenhagen Stock Exchange building


A fire struck Copenhagen's Old Stock Exchange, one of the Danish capital's best-known buildings, on Tuesday, engulfing its spire, which collapsed onto the roof in a scene reminiscent of the 2019 fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. -Lady of Paris.

The Dutch Renaissance-style building no longer houses the Danish Stock Exchange, but serves as the headquarters of the Danish Chamber of Commerce. Emergency services, employees of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, including its CEO Brian Mikkelsen, and even passersby were seen carrying large paintings away from the building in a race to save historic items from the flames.

“We are saving everything we can,” Copenhagen fire chief Jakob Vedsted Andersen told reporters.

An arrow is on fire.
The flames devastated the spire of the building, which eventually collapsed. (Ritzau Scanpix/AFP/Getty Images)

The National Museum of Denmark sent 25 employees to help evacuate cultural objects and paintings, it said on X.

No injuries were immediately reported, police said.

Construction, a challenge for firefighters

Parts of the roof collapsed and the fire spread to several floors of the building, Vedsted told reporters.

“It’s always sad putting out fires in old buildings,” he said.

Some 120 people were working to contain the fire, but only about 40% were under control, Vedsted said, adding that the firefighting operation would continue for at least 24 hours.

“Horrific images of the Boersen. So sad. An iconic building that means a lot to all of us… Our own Notre Dame moment,” Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen wrote on X.

People are shown carrying large paintings together while walking down a city street, past a building.
People carry paintings out of the historic Boersen Stock Exchange building after it caught fire in central Copenhagen on Tuesday. (Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP)

The historic building, whose spire was shaped like the tails of four intertwined dragons, was under renovation when the fire broke out. The spire also had three crowns at the top, symbolizing the great kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

“This arrow is absolutely iconic and there is no other like it in the world,” Ulla Kjaer, a senior researcher at the National Museum of Denmark, told Reuters.

A firefighter is shown in a bucket atop a tall ladder as orange fire and black smoke rise from the top of a building.
Firefighters work as fire and smoke billow from the Old Stock Exchange in Copenhagen on Tuesday. The building, located next to Christiansborg Palace where parliament sits, is a popular tourist attraction. (Emil Helms/Ritzau Scanpix/Associated Press)

Scaffolding around the building made it harder for emergency services to reach the flames, while the copper roof preserved the heat, Copenhagen firefighters said.

The nearby Ministry of Finance was evacuated following the fire, police said.

The cause of the fire was not immediately clear.

A woman wearing a gray wool hat stands among a crowd of spectators and puts her hand to her mouth.
People react to a fire at the historic Boersen building in central Copenhagen. The building was under renovation. (Ritzau Scanpix/AFP/Getty Images)

Copenhagen police have asked people to avoid driving in the city center.

The Danish Chamber of Commerce worked on its restoration in the style of King Christian IV of Denmark, who had the building built in the 17th century.




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