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Prime Minister Narendra Modi's fish is also 'maachh' for Bengal? Mamata Banerjee adds it to 'maa-mati-manush' | Kolkata News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's fish is also 'maachh' for Bengal?  Mamata Banerjee adds it to 'maa-mati-manush' |  Kolkata News


KOLKATA: On the fierce football rivalry between Mohun Bagans chingri (tiger shrimp) and East BengalS ilish (hilsa) and an integral part of Hindu religious rituals, fish is more than just a culinary delight in Bengal. It is a way of life for a multitude of Bengalis. And in this election period, Trinamool Congress is trying to pick a fish bone with the BJP.
The Trinamools' ma-mati-manush slogan added another M maachh (fish) after Prime Minister Modis last week bagged RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav for eating fish during Navratri, a period when some Hindus s abstain from non-vegetarian food. Tejashwi clarified that the video clip of him eating fish was dated April 8 and was released late.

However, fish has taken center stage in Bengal's political arena, with Trinamool expressing fears over the BJP's influence on food preferences if it were to return to power. They will dictate what you eat for lunch and dinner, CM Mamata Banerjee warned voters at a public meeting in Cooch Behar on Monday.

TMC to launch the BJP, maachh-bhat khao campaign
Trinamool Congress general secretary Abhishek Banerjeeat another rally in Cooch Behar over the weekend, said the Prime Minister may not have been aware that some religious rituals in Bengali households were considered incomplete without maachh (fish) and mangsho (meat).

Continuing the analogy, Trinamool Rajya Sabha MP Derek O'Brien speculated whether tax officials were looking for a “fish sandwich” during a search of Abhishek Banerjees' campaign helicopter. A post-Poila Baisakh Monday lunch hosted by a senior Trinamool MP in New Delhi included an exclusive fish spread, including varieties such as rohu, bekti and pabda.

Trinamool seniors have indicated their intention to reinforce this message in future rallies, with a campaign titled BJP hatao, maachh-bhat khao (drive out the BJP for continuing to eat rice and fish).
Researchers and historians have highlighted the central role of fish in Bengali culture. In Bengal, rivers, seas and ponds predominate; there is therefore a natural abundance of fish. Fish is expected to be an integral part of our daily life and diet, as we say maachh-e bhat-e in Bengali, said historian and director of Alipore Prison Museum Jayanta Sengupta, emphasizing that fish was omnipresent in regional literature (like Mangal Kabya) and popular traditions.
It is considered auspicious and is part of the tatwa given at weddings. Fish recipes can also be found in some puja bhogs. And above all, we must not forget that the fish is also an avatar of Vishnu, said Sengupta.
Trinamools MP Barasat and doctor Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar highlighted the benefits of including fish in the diet. It's also a cheap source of protein, healthier and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D as well as minerals and iodine, she said.
Minister of State for Women and Child Development Shashi Panja said this was the reason why the Trinamool was calling the BJP a party of bahiragata (outsiders). It is their sheer ignorance of what we hold dear as Bengalis. Fish is not just a staple food in Bengal, it is also a part of our psyche, be it football or songs. If the BJP does not understand what is in our hearts, how will it govern us? she asked.
In response, BJP spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Shamik Bhattacharya accused Trinamool of making false claims. What the Prime Minister said was that many people did not eat non-vegetarian food during Navratri. We have nothing against fish. Trinamool is trying to reassure people who eat beef by accusing the BJP of trying to change their eating habits. She (the CM) neither likes fish nor fishermen, Bhattacharya said.




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