Films for new viewers of Bollywood films – Film Stories
Are you looking for a handful of movies to get you started in the world of Bollywood cinema? Here are some recommendations with that in mind.
Bollywood is a vibrant and fun film industry, with its films featuring dramatic stories about love and friendship, as well as action and comedy. It is also a very prosperous industry. Audiences have fallen in love with his actors and his memorable performances, which adds to the constant growth of the industry, but it is difficult to know where to get started with Bollywood cinema. Here are some suggestions if you dip your toes in it – and be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments, too!
About Shanti
Released in 2007, About Shanti is a great kickoff to Bollywood. Translating into peace of mind, the film follows the life of a movie star who falls in love but reincarnation kicks in. The film has an incredibly iconic song, “Deewangi Deewangi,” which features in a scene where many famous actors in the Bollywood industry enter a lavish party. This song introduces you to many famous people in the Bollywood world, and itself introduces a whole host of actors.
The prince of the film scene has the main role, Shah Rukh Khan. If you want to be a Bollywood watcher then you have to get to know Shah Rukh Khan. He has been in over 50 Hindi films and many are considered Bollywood classics. He is nicknamed King Khan because of his growing success and popularity.
3 idiots
If you don’t like song and dance numbers but like dramatic stories, then you may appreciate 3 idiots. Released in 2009, the film explores still relevant themes such as mental health, education and family. It’s filled with comedic moments as the title suggests, but the overall story is emotional and punchy. Three best friends study together in college, they all go through different situations, but come together to be there for each other in the end.
It’s a movie full of twists and lots of laughs as the boys promote their all is well tagline to encourage everyone to enjoy life and never stop trying.
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham
The classic Bollywood film from the early 2000s, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, translated as happiness sometimes, sadness sometimes, has as a theme the prince and the poor and highlights the love and the bond between parents and their children. The film follows the love of individuals and how it transcends everything.
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It takes place in both India and England, which means there are familiar settings such as the Bluewater Mall in London. Also, it is not spoken 100% in Hindi to suit the setting and the people around it. It also features memorable characters like Pooja, which many will be able to relate to. With her boss attitude and always at the forefront of fashion, she adds a comedic element to the film to get away from some of the heaviest moments. The film offers room for many tears and laughter due to the fallout and the intense fighting, as well as the celebrations and parties.
With Amitabh Bachchan – who is considered the King of Bollywood due to his growing success in the 70s and winning the hearts of Indian audiences – as well as Shah Rukh Khan, you can get a double dose of the famous actors who add to the l shine of the film.
The songs are constantly performed on many festivals and special occasions in Southeast Asia. With a huge number of groups and memorable dance routines, we end up seeing those moves come out onto the dance floor when our favorite Bollywood songs begin.
Diwale Dulhania The Jayenge
This is the must-see romance film in the world of Bollywood, with its quintessential quotes and love-filled story: a real treat for romantic comedy lovers. Diwale Dulhania The Jayenge, translated by the big heart with taking the bride, follows the love of two young students traveling through Europe with their friends and inevitably following each other. However, they are stopped in their tracks.
The film has been filming in Indian cinemas for 1,251 weeks – that’s 24 years! – because of its success and magic that many romantic Bollywood films have yet to match.
Along with Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol, the two actors are known for their romantic chemistry when playing these love-filled roles and then starring in more films together as a romantic duo. They were also in Kabhi Kushi Kabhie Gham like the roles of prince and poor, but ultimately their love kept them together.
Biggest hit and one of the movies with the biggest impact on the Bollywood industry: Sholay, translated as embers, came out in 1975 and rocked India and the film scene. It’s about friendship and loyalty to one another, and you end up falling in love with the relationships presented to us. With his song “Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todenge” (which means we will never break our friendship), he showcases the true friendship that the main characters share for each other. You can’t help but sing and dance.
It stars Amitabh Bachchan at the height of his success in the 1970s. Audiences became so fond of him and the films he played. They placed him on the highest pedestal possible and that’s how he gained his status as King of Bollywood.
Due to this immense love they had for the actor, there was a massive uproar when audiences weren’t happy with the end of the film and the outcome for Amitabh Bachchan. Bollywood directors and writers took the audience response into account and brought it to Bollywood today.
These are just a few of the many blockbuster Bollywood movies around the world. You don’t need us to tell you that there is such a wealth of choice available. As such, once you’ve found a Bollywood genre or filmmakers that you love, there will likely be a lot more to explore. Bollywood just doesn’t disappoint with its range of options…!
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