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Why Hollywood’s Hottest Celebrity Restaurant Is Vegan

Why Hollywood’s Hottest Celebrity Restaurant Is Vegan


In Los Angeles, celebrities walk among us. They are surrounded by oversized hats and sunglasses, often using the back entrance or being driven by some car service to avoid being recognized. Despite the high density of celebrities in a single city, they are actually quite difficult to find. If you accidentally want to rub shoulders with the Hollywood elite, you have to go to crossroads. Run by celebrity chef Tal Ronnen, this vegan gourmet establishment has been graced by countless artists keen to sample impeccable plant-based cuisine. Vegan or not, Ronnen’s food has wowed everyone from Jane Fonda to Paul McCartney. We needed to know: what makes Crossroads the ultimate celebrity attraction? Here is what we found.


Familiar but excellent vegan food

Famous or not, diners receive five-star service sitting on crisp white tablecloths, but the pretense stops there. The Crossroads menu is a replica of any other reputable hotspot you’ll find in Los Angeles (minus the animal products). Exquisite appetizers, exceptionally prepared vegetables and beautifully served desserts complement the homemade pasta and hearty protein dishes.

“Introducing non-plant-based diners to our cooking style is a really great feeling. A lot of times people are dragged to a restaurant by a friend and don’t know what to expect, and it’s always the die-hard carnivores who become longtime fans of our food and restaurant regulars, ”explained Ronnen. .

The selection is huge, which may explain the restaurant’s loyal customers – you have to go there several times to try everything. Or, in Lizzo’s case, bring a friend. The artist was spotted with Shaun T. here, and we wonder… did they order the Impossible Cigars served with Almond Yogurt or the Stuffed Zucchini Flowers for their appetizer? Did they split the classic Caesar salad before slicing it into a thick cut Sicilian Buffalo Mushroom Pizza, or did they choose to split plates of Spicy Rigatoni Vodka and Lentil Tempeh Piccata? We’ll have to keep a close watch on their social handles to find out.


The former leader of Oprah

Owner and chef Tal Ronnen has a resume that demands attention. He developed the dishes for Oprah Winfrey’s 21-Day Cleanse and hosted prestigious events including the wedding of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi and even the first US Senate vegan dinner. He’s also created plant-based menus for each restaurant at Wynn’s Las Vegas hotels (owner Steve Wynn is a vegan himself).

When asked why Crossroads has such a celebrity attraction, Ronnen applied,

“Hope the good food! But more importantly, we’re committed to protecting people’s privacy, and I think it’s definitely a draw. When we first opened we had a huge issue with the paparazzi every night so we built a garage in the back where our VIPs can enter and not be photographed. We also have a private dining room which guests who wish to maintain their privacy use regularly.

While you can’t see Katy Perry or any of the Kardashians come to Crossroads and ask the host to sit down, you can certainly enjoy your meal knowing you could breathe the same circulated air.

Ronnen is extremely touched by his impressive clientele, but also honored by all who choose to dine at his establishment. “We are very grateful to everyone who supports the restaurant, whether or not they are a celebrity. At the end of a long night, it feels good to have fed so many people, ”he said.


Celebrity support

Given the number of celebrities dining and returning to Crossroads, Ronnen may want to consider adding another level to his rear parking garage. Some of the distinguished guests who graced this space include Travis Barker, Kevin and Harley Quinn Smith, Alicia Silverstone, Kourtney Kardashian, Addison Rae, Paul McCartney, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Ellen DeGeneres, Tobey Maguire, Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, Miley Cyrus and more.

The restaurant has also received acclaim from celebrity chefs thanks to the Food Network. Michael Voltaggio, fellow Los Angeles chef, restaurant owner and Food Network personality, chose Crossroads as the charity restaurant of choice in the network competition Champions tournament this last spring. Voltaggio secured a donation of $ 10,000 for Crossroads by winning the first round of the contest.

Ultimately, plebeians and celebrities alike seek comfort and taste when choosing to dine out, and Crossroads caters to both perfectly.

“We strive to make everyone feel welcome, no matter who they are. We don’t have a dress code and although we are a white tablecloth restaurant it is a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Our food is attractive to everyone, whether plant-based or not, ”concluded Ronnen.

Do you want to know more about Carrefour? Hang on to our Summer Food Special with an in-depth restaurant review from the Los Angeles Hotspot!
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Ask Flink is a digital editor at VegNews as well as a writer and runner living in Orange County, California.

Photo credit: Brunchographes, Carrefour

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