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Loni Anderson Took Defense Classes to Deal With Hollywood Goosebumps


Loni Anderson prepared for the goosebumps of Hollywood by taking self-defense classes back then.

I was prepared, the actress, now 76, told Page Six. I went to self-defense classes, I had my speech ready, I was just ready.

Anderson said she signed up for classes after hearing scary stories from other actresses during casting calls.

You would go for an interview, there would be 20 girls in the field office, and you would talk, she explained. And they all had horror stories, so I wanted to prepare.

Anderson, who had been a brunette for years, also recalled that people started treating her differently once she dyed her hair blonde.

As if my brain had dissolved with bleach, she joked.

Anderson told Page Six that she thankfully never had to use her self-defense skills. However, there was a time when she was manhandled by Johnny Carson on an episode of The Tonight Show, a situation she said would never happen today.

Following the incident, Anderson became a star as the WKRP series receptionist in Cincinnati. The show ran from 1978 to 1982 and earned him two Emmy nominations.

Anderson’s shoulder was mutilated by an amorous Johnny Carson during a 1980 appearance.

I did it in a sneaky way, Anderson recalls. Howard Hesseman was also very popular on the show [as DJ Dr. Johnny Fever]. I went to him and said: Let’s negotiate together, let’s be a team, and that’s what we did.

The Minnesota native further proved she was a trailblazer when she came out of the sitcom during the summer hiatus of 1980. At the time, she asked for a big pay rise, which she calls the kiss of death. .

Anderson played a receptionist at a radio station in “WKRP in Cincinnati”.
CBS via Getty Images

I had been on Threes Company with Suzanne Somers [who was fired] and she called me and told me about it, Anderson told us.

“Of course they threaten you throughout the negotiations and tell you that you are completely replaceable and that it is a difficult fight. Terrible things were thrown back and forth.

Nonetheless, the studio conceded, and Anderson and Hesseman got their pay raises.

Loni Anderson and Charles Frank on
Anderson says her career changed when she dyed her hair from her natural brown to blonde.
Disney General Entertainment Contest

Anderson is also famous for her six-year marriage to Burt Reynolds. This ended in an acrimonious split, with the late actor publicly accusing Anderson of being an underemployed actress with low self-esteem and a terrible mother to their adopted son, Quinton.

Despite their ups and downs over the years, Anderson refuses to disparage her late husband and chooses to focus only on the positive memories.

Loni Anderson and Burt Reynolds.
Anderson and Reynolds dated for five years before getting married.
Ron Galella Collection via Getty

It’s been 30 years and now I remember all the wonderful times of those 12 years with Burt, she told us. You just have to override it for your own sanity, your well-being, for my son’s health.

She continued, I chose to focus on the positives and say, thank you, Burt. I’ve had a really beautiful life and met some wonderful people and had a kind of princess existence and that’s what I choose to dwell on.

Loni Anderson stars as Jayne Mansfield and Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Mikey Hargitay in the CBS television show
Anderson starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in “The Jayne Mansfield Story.”
CBS via Getty Images

The vivacious actress is working on a solo show that she hopes to tour with in the future. We can currently see him in a special performance of “Hollywood Squares” presented by the Hollywood Museum.

Anderson told Page Six that she has fond memories of being on the original game show.

I never said no to a job, she shared. I’ve done every game show, every talk show, every special, whatever it is. And Hollywood Squares was a big part of it. It was a big part of being seen and remembered.




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