Diwali is the favorite season of the year. We all love to be glamorous and enjoy this festival of lights. Diwali is the only festival celebrated worldwide. Recently, New York announced Diwali as a public holiday, which moved our global icon, Priyanka Chopra. “After all these years! My teenager living in Queens is crying tears of joy. The festival emphasizes the importance of light over darkness and tells us to spread positivity in life. On this day, after 14 years, Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lord Lakshman return to Ayodhya, to mark this occasion, people celebrate it with utmost joy and happiness.
The enthusiasm is not only seen among the common people, but Bollywood celebrities have also been spotted enjoying the opportunity. For Bollywood, the party starts a little early and we will find them at various parties and events. This year too, the pre-Diwali celebrations started on October 17 and since then they have not stopped. Many great actors and celebrities have held Diwali parties for their close friends and loved ones. Some were private parties with only close friends and families, while others were not. Let’s take a look at the celebrities celebrating this auspicious occasion.
Bollywood actor Ayushman Khurana and his wife Tahira Kashyap hosted a pre-Diwali party on October 17. The party was held in Mumbai and many high profile members of the film fraternity attended the event. Director and producer Karan Johar, Kirti Sanon and Rakul Preet Singh, newly married couple Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal, Ananya Pandey, dimpled girl Kirti Sanon, Varun Dhawan with his wife Natasha Dalal, Huma Qureshi, Sanya Malhotra, Ritesh Deshmukh with his wife Genelia D SOUZA, Huma Qureshi marked their presence. This holiday was officially the start of the Diwali celebration of the year 2022.
As for the outfits, The Doctor-G actor, Ayushman chose a traditional outfit and was seen wearing a black Kurta-Pajamas and his wife Tahira Kashyaps colorful pink lehenga with some shimmery elements made the duo as perfect as possible. Newly married Richa Chadda was seen wearing a metallic silver saree paired with bold makeup and long earrings while Ali Faizal chose a white kurta with denim jeans.
Ananya Pandey stole the night with her look, she was seen wearing a silk brocade lehenga and having floral prints with a peach color on the bottom. She was joined by Karan Johar and Manish Malhotra who graced the room in traditional outfits, the filmmaker also opted for a black kurta pajama set while designer Manish Malhotra was seen in a printed jacket and straight pants.
Bhool Bhulaiyya actor Kartik Aryan was also seen attending the party. He looked dapper in a navy silk kurta paired with white pajamas and black sandals. Kirti Sanon also graced the occasion with her strapless blouse and silk saree with some appliques on it. Rakul Preet Singh was also complete, she wore a parrot green kurta with sharara pants and a matching dupatta.
Our B-town Celeb designer, Manish Malhotra, threw a Diwali party for the stars. Our city B marked their presence with their ostentatious appearance. Supposed dating pair Siddharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani made the list. Manish’s close friends Kajol and Karan Johar were also seen at the party. Other actors like Sara Ali Khan, Shetty sisters, Shilpa and Shamita Shetty, and Bollywood king’s daughter Suhana Khan were also part of this auspicious occasion. Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Pandey were also invited to the party.
If it’s a Manish Malhotra party, we expect a bit of glamor and style from our celebrities. Shershaah actor Siddharth Malhotra looked dapper in the traditional royal blue kurta pajamas while his alleged girlfriend Kiara Advani looked stunning in a gold saree, her makeup was no makeup with peach lipstick, her look was the talk of the town. Our Simran aka Kajol looked pretty in a black and pink sequined saree, while her best friend Karan Johar wore yellow traditional kurta pajamas, he looked cool in his outfit.
Pataudi’s daughter Sara Ali Khan looked like a shining star as she wore a gold lehenga with a jumpsuit of silver jewelry. The Shetty sisters weren’t left out either, Shilpa Shetty wore a light pink saree while her sister Shamita opted for a green mehndi lehenga. But it was Suhana Khans look that couldn’t take our eyes off her, she arrived in a shimmering white saree, and she opted for an updo hairstyle, after pairing it with small earrings. ears. Aditya Kapoor and Annaya Pandey were seen paired up in traditional black outfits.
Ekta Kapoor also organized a Diwali party for our B town. The TV industry and Btown actors were all there. Filmmakers Rakesh Roshan and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari were also seen in attendance. Ananya Pandey chose a light green lehenga with silver on it. Disha Pathani was seen wearing a red lehenga. Kirti Sanon was also seen wearing a pink floral lehenga. Shilpa Shetty was seen wearing a pink and green lehenga jumpsuit while her sister was seen in a turquoise blue saree with silver lining.
Sources 2/ https://asianatimes.com/diwali-party-2022-manish-malhotra-and-ekta-kapoor-become-hosts-for-bollywood-celebs/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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