Gender Nonconforming Actors Make History With Tony Nominations
Two performers made history on Tuesday when they became the first gender-nonconforming actors nominated for the Tony Awards.
J. Harrison Ghee, who stars in the musical adaptation of Some Like It Hot, was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical, and Alex Newell, who stars in the musical Shucked, was nominated for Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical.
Ghee is nonbinary and Newell is gender nonconforming, and both use the pronouns he, she, and they. Gender non-conforming is an umbrella term that includes people who do not follow traditional ideas of how they should look or act based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Non-binary people, who are neither exclusively male nor female, can be gender nonconforming.
Newell shared a photo on their Instagram Story of the duo taken the night before, when they both attended the Met Gala, with the caption, We walked into the Met as Met Gala Virgins and woke up TONY NOMINEES !!!
Both performers explained why they decided to be considered in the acting categories rather than the actress categories for the Tonys.
Ghee told Elle magazine in February that their decision to remain in consideration for a Tony was intentional and that their producers had asked them before submitting them for consideration in the actor category.
Someone else’s labels or boundaries won’t limit me or my ability to do anything, Ghee told Elle. My artistry and work will speak for themselves. What someone claims or puts forward is extra, and they’re trying to pass off someone else’s experience to me. I am here to be intentional about my ministry and my work. Again, I’m protecting the black joy here. That’s all I do.
Newell told Variety last week they chose which category they wanted to be considered in based on the English language.
Everyone who plays is an actor. It’s asexual, they said.
Newell lamented that the industry norm is to refer to men as actors and women as actresses. On the other hand, they said, they appreciate that separate categories give both cisgender and transgender women a real shot at winning awards in such a male-dominated field.
If we can create that, we can create more avenues for other people who don’t want to stick to those two categories, Newell said, referring to the binary categories of male and female actors. I think choosing an actor, I hope, will be a spark to use that word as it was intended in the art of acting.
They said it was both admirable and heartbreaking that some performers chose not to be considered by Tony due to gendered acting categories.
That should be a red flag, Newell told Variety. Change is inevitable and will happen, but we need to move a little faster.
Trans and non-binary artists have increasingly protested binary and gendered award categories. In February, & Juliet star Justin David Sullivan, who also identifies as non-binary, said in a statement shared on social media that they felt they had no choice but to refrain from being considered for a nomination this season because there were only two gendered categories.
I couldn’t in good faith move forward denying part of my identity to conform to a system and structure that doesn’t leave room for people like me, Sullivan said in the statement.
The Tonys aren’t the only awards criticized for having gendered categories. Non-binary actor Liv Hewson, who stars in the Showtime series Yellowjackets, says Variety recently that they chose not to submit to this year’s Emmy Awards due to gendered categories.
There’s no place for me in the acting categories, Hewson said. It would be inaccurate for me to introduce myself as an actress. It makes no sense to me to be lumped together with the boys. It’s quite simple and not so loaded. I cannot submit to this because there is no place for me.
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