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Visions brings Bollywood to the galaxy

Visions brings Bollywood to the galaxy


The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: Visions Season 2, Episode 7, “The Bandits of Golak”, now airing on Disney+.

One of the most intriguing features of Star Wars: Visions This is how the franchise approaches different cultures. It’s more than just depicting alien worlds and tribes scattered across the galaxy – fans can relate on a grounded level. A prime example is Season 1’s “The Duel,” which looked at the path of samurai, and Season 2’s “The Pit,” which is about people of color who stand up against oppression.

It’s about placing the societies fans know in unique and different landscapes Star wars timelines with a cosmic twist. Interestingly, season 2 has an even more cosmopolitan twist as it works in a Bollywood-like story. This comes in the form of Episode 7, “The Bandits of Golak”. And it once again proves the creative breadth the anthology has to offer.


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Golak bandits take a look at the nature of Bollywood

Star Wars: Visions has Charuk and Rani on the run in Bandits of Golak

In this episode, young Rani is a Force-sensitive teenager on Golak, escorted by her brother, Charuk. They encounter a Jedi master, Rugal, who defends them from an inquisitor and his henchmen. Along the way, Visions ensures that each segment is tailored to the style of music that Bollywood legends such as AR Rahman and Anu Malik have leaned into over the decades.

From the ethereal, shimmering strings of siblings on the train where Rani uses her power, to the dramatic scene where thugs chase Charuk to the top of the locomotive, Visions cleverly uses instruments such as the sitar and dholak to create an authentic feel. It’s a smart evolution of what John Williams did for the mainstream series, with Sneha Khanwalkar taking over the soundscape.

This direction adds a lot more signature and unique character stamps throughout. This is evident in the fast-paced Bhangra style on the train which transitions to a more folky and flute style at the end. There, the Jedi vs. Sith leads Rugal to kill the villain and pull out his brother’s daughter for training. While Rugal proves to be a powerful Force character now taking on a mentor, the show focuses on subtle instrumentation over orchestras or choirs.

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Golak bandits create a sense of identity

Star Wars: Visions has Rugal aiding Rani as a Jedi Master in Bandits of Golak

While most Visions episodes have distinct visual styles, few don’t have their own identity. But by giving each segment its own soundscape, it matches the mood of the voice actors and the Indian landscape that Mumbai-based 88 Pictures tracks. The way the musical style floats between triumphant in battle and sympathetic tragedy as the brotherly part reinforces how lively and fluid the story is.

Clothing, building designs, character body art, and even the mythological demon king-like inquisitor Ravana all reiterate how much the creative team wanted to stick with the culture. It’s something Ms. Marvel did the same when dissecting Kamala Khan’s Muslim and Pakistani cultures. Certainly this approach enhances the finale, with the look, sound and feel emphasizing Rugal’s words of life and resilience.

This classic Jedi teaching used to recruit the child also helps to connect with the Hindu philosophy of dharma. Even credit exploration exemplifies this energy, proving Visions not afraid to truly embrace every aspect of another culture. This rich, immersive Bollywood feel is a solid step forward for Star wars diversity too. It helps fix some mistakes made with characters like Finn and Rose. As such, the mix of everything makes it feel like it’s a story set in South Asia rather than an alien planet. Ultimately, this creates a personal investment and deeper emotional connection for those seeking authenticity and true representation.

All episodes of Star Wars: Visions Season 2 are streaming on Disney+.




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