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Hugh Grant urged to 'stick to the game' as actor sparks outcry after hinting at a move into politics

Hugh Grant urged to 'stick to the game' as actor sparks outcry after hinting at a move into politics


Hugh Grant was met with a sharply divided reaction from potential voters in the UK after admitting he had toyed with the idea of ​​entering politics.

The actor has previously played numerous political figures on screen, including the Prime Minister in romantic comedy Love Actually, and his latest role sees him revisit the field once again.

He plays Chancellor Edward Keplinger in the new HBO drama The Regime, alongside Kate Winslet.

Grant, 63, is no stranger to expressing his political views off-screen and launched a “tactical voting” campaign against the Conservatives five years ago.

A staunch Remain supporter, Grant admitted his attempts to oust the Tories in 2019 had gone “very badly” and claimed he had been subjected to “abuse… from the right” as a result.

But despite this, Grant admitted in a new interview that a move into politics was not out of the question, saying: “It crossed my mind.

Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant spoke of a possible foray into politics


“But what I really see up close is that it's almost impossible to do anything. It's just impossible. You have to bring so many people with you,” he added to Entertainment Weekly.

He also recalled advice given to him by his mother-in-law, former Swedish politician Susanne Eberstein.

“Whenever the subject comes up, she just says, 'Don't do it. Everything needs to be watered down. It's just bargaining. And these days, the abuses that happen are unthinkable.”

Grant then referenced his aforementioned 2019 attempts to incite tactical voting, recalling: “What was interesting was the abuse coming from the right…And it was absolutely terrifying.

Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant interviewed by the Lib Dems in 2019


“I already had a bit of it during the Hacked Off campaign, but it was really extreme, shocking and threatening to the family. So I see that you either have to be very brave or crazy to go into politics in the country. the digital age.”

The actor's comments have since sparked a national debate in the UK over whether he would receive votes as an MP.

But after Channel 5's Jeremy Vine show asked its followers about X, many hit back.

“Stick to acting,” said one upset follower before a second echoed: “NO! Stick to acting. I never liked him.”

Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant has played several political figures on screen


“Another wannabe leftist who doesn't understand working class people and working class issues,” commented a third while a fourth asked: “Why do I feel like he would be a hideous virtue signaling a leftist?”

And another did not hesitate to criticize: “Grant is a bad actor and he would be an even worse MP… so no…”

“Please no, this would tip us over,” another added, but Grant also found himself receiving a few messages of support.

“Why not, he played a Prime Minister who stood up to a presidential tyrant. Our politics needs a new generation that stands for change and public service,” one fan praised before a second simply: “He would be better than most.”

And another fan pointed out: “Anyone can run for Parliament and if the people vote for them then what's the problem?” (sic)




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