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Failing Lynden schools bond returns to ballot in August

Failing Lynden schools bond returns to ballot in August


Lynden School District's bond returns to the ballot in August with a slight change to the tax rate.

After the failure of the February 13 special election, the Lynden School Board voted unanimously on Thursday, April 4 to place a $157.5 million bond to fund the construction of a new school secondary school and make other improvements to the district's schools on August 6. ballot.

The original resolution failed in the Feb. 13 election after receiving 51 percent of the vote in favor. The bonds need a supermajority of 60% to pass.

School board member Jim Verburg said the vote increase of nearly 10 percentage points was considerable progress, but said he believed the scope of the bond should not be reduced.

If it doesn’t pass, then it doesn’t pass…” said school board member Ken Owsley. “I just know that every election we don't have and we don't get it right, that's six months of kids eating lunch in the hallway.”

A group of students eat lunch in the hallway outside the cafeteria Jan. 9 at Lynden High School.  The 43-year-old school building is over capacity
A group of students eat lunch in the hallway outside the cafeteria Jan. 9 at Lynden High School. (Hailey Hoffman/Cascadia Daily News)

The new resolution is nearly identical to the original: The bonds will fund a new high school to accommodate and properly serve the district's growing population, add more classrooms to Isom and Bernice Vossbeck elementary schools, modernize the district playgrounds and upgrade heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. throughout the neighborhood.

The main change is to the annual tax rate: The February resolution would have applied a tax rate of $1.53 per $1,000 of assessed value to Lynden's property taxes, with the rate decreasing slightly over the life of the obligation. The new resolution estimates a flat tax rate of $1.36 per $1,000 of assessed value. Although the tax will allow the district to raise the same amount of money capped at $157.5 million, Superintendent David VanderYacht said the new rate is a better estimate that reflects current inflation rates, the current value properties and the slight restructuring of the tax rate.

Owsley said at Thursday's meeting that if the projected tax rate turns out as expected, taxpayers would save about $30 million over the life of the bond.

Three citizens spoke during public comment, two members of Citizens for Lynden Schools in favor of moving forward with the resolution, and one citizen who argued it was unlikely they would be able to garner the necessary votes without a significant reduction in scope.

Charlotte Alden is CDN's general/business reporter; contact her at [email protected]; 360-922-3090 ext. 123.




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