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The Friday Afternoon Club: actor, producer and director Griffin Dunne on his new family memoir

The Friday Afternoon Club: actor, producer and director Griffin Dunne on his new family memoir


Here Now co-host Robin Young sits down with Griffin Dunne to discuss The Friday Afternoon Club, his memoir of growing up in Hollywood and Manhattan among larger-than-life characters, including his aunt Joan Didion and uncle John Gregory Dunner, his father, the journalist of Vanity Fair, Dominick Dunne, and his best friend Carrie Fisher. Dunne has been an actor, producer and director since the late 1970s. Among his work, he produced and starred in After Hours, directed by Martin Scorsese, and he directed the documentary The Center Will Not Hold about Didion.

Copies of his book will be available for purchase from Brookline Booksmith. Dunne will sign after the conversation.

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About the Friday Afternoon Club
Griffin Dunnes' memoir of growing up among larger-than-life characters in Hollywood and Manhattan finds wicked humor and glimmers of light in even the most painful circumstances.

At eight years old, Sean Connery saved him from drowning. At thirteen, desperate to meet Janis Joplin, he attended his aunt Joan Didion and uncle John Gregory Dunne's legendary Los Angeles release party for Tom Wolf's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. At sixteen he was expelled from boarding school, permanently ending his institutional studies. In his early twenties, he shared an apartment at Manhattan's Hotel Des Artistes with his best friend and soul mate Carrie Fisher while she was filming a science fiction film called Star Wars and he was a struggling actor working as popcorn dealer at Radio City Music Hall. . A few years later, he produced and starred in the now iconic film After Hours, directed by Martin Scorsese. In the midst of all this, Griffin's twenty-two-year-old sister Dominique, a rising star in Hollywood, was brutally strangled to death by her ex-boyfriend, leading to one of the public trials the most infamous of the 1980s. The result was a travesty of justice that marked the start of the career of their father, Dominick Dunnes, as a crime reporter for Vanity Fair and a victims' rights activist.

And yet, for all its bold characters and breathtaking scenes, The Friday Afternoon Club is no mere celebrity memoir. It is, to its core, a family story that embraces the poignant absurdities and the best and worst efforts of its lovable, infuriating, funny and moving characters, its author above all.




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