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Who is Dave Register? 4 things to know about the Fallout actor

Who is Dave Register?  4 things to know about the Fallout actor


From her theater experience to her hometown, there's a lot to know about Amazon Prime Video To fall star, Dave Register.

Based on Bethesda's popular game franchise, To fall is a post-apocalyptic television series in which Register plays Chet, the cousin of Ella Purnell's Lucy who leaves Vault 33 to search for his father in the wastelands of Los Angeles.

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4 Facts About Fallout's Dave Register

Dave joins Fallout
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Dave Register graduated from Columbia University

Originally from Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Dave Register graduated from Columbia University School of the Arts in the 2015 acting class.

Colombia says the program provides graduates with the tools needed for roles in both theater and screen, and since graduating, Register has credits in both media.

However, going to school in New York proved to be a learning experience for the actor in more ways than one.

In a video for university, he recalled “Becoming prey to a number of street scammers” and being fully convinced that “I'm going to win” but “I would lose every time.”

Dave made his Broadway debut in Harry Potter

THE To fall The star's early career involved the stage, as he played Rodolpho in the Tony Award-winning revival of A view from the bridgeas well as I'm not afraid, my lover, I will bring you back to life, Romeo and Julietand more.

Then, in 2018, Dave made his Broadway debut as part of the cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Set 19 years later Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child highlights Harry's son Albus, his struggles at Hogwarts as Harry Potter's son, and some time travel.

Dave co-founded a theater festival

In 2021, Dave Register co-founded the Portland Theater Festival in his home state of Maine.

The mission was to safely bring back live entertainment amid the pandemic, focusing on small casts and outdoor venues. The festival was held for three consecutive seasons.

While discussing Sanctuary cityone of the pieces of the festival with the Press heraldRegister explained his interest in “bringing a little more nuance” to the timely conversation on immigration “in Portland:”

I wanted to make a piece that, in its own way, contributes and plays a small role in bringing a little more nuance to the conversation about immigration in Portland. I wanted the immigrant experience to be represented on stage.

Before Fallout, Dave starred in The Price & Witch Files

Before playing Chet and the Vault 33 Guardian in To fallRegister played in The Witch's Fileswhere he also served as co-producer, as well as The price And Reinforced.

As for television, the actor appeared in Fallen down, Madam SecretaryAnd FBI.

How to Follow Dave Register Online

For more updates on Dave Register, fans can follow him on Instagram at @dave_register.

To fall is available to stream now on Amazon Prime Video.

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