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Liev Schreiber experienced actor's 'worst nightmare' when migraine caused amnesia during performance

Liev Schreiber experienced actor's 'worst nightmare' when migraine caused amnesia during performance


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Liev Schreiber talks about a terrifying experience he had while acting in a play.

During a recent appearance on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” Schreiber detailed the neurological conditions he suffered from before taking the stage to play his role in the Broadway production of “Doubt: A Parable.”

“The worst nightmare an actor can live with,” he told host Seth Meyers. “I was in my dressing room and I had a terrible headache. I thought maybe it was a fast food headache, but it was a little worse than that. I went down the stairs and I think: this is not normal. I don't feel well.

He said he “knew something was seriously wrong” when he ran into his co-star, Amy Ryan, backstage, but didn't remember her name or common expressions that the actors said to each other, like “breaking a leg”, even though he had done it. “I’ve said it at least 30 times at this point.”

Liev Schreiber on the red carpet for his Broadway play

Schreiber suffered from amnesia during one of his performances in “Doubt: A Parable.” (Bruce Glikas/WireImage)


Schreiber remembers telling the stage manager that something was wrong with him, but the stage manager quickly called the seats and the play began.

“So I go on, and I do about the first six or seven lines of the piece, sort of automatically. I realize I'm not connected, so I decide, let me try to connect again. And as soon as I do it, it, everything disappears from my head,” he explained. “I look out at a somber audience. I know I'm in a play, but I don't know what play I'm in. I look at my clothes and realize I'm a priest, which is helpful, but don't worry. gives no line.

After leaving the stage and rushing to his dressing room, he remembers seeing his doctor friend and his wife looking at him with “terrified expressions”, which led him to think: “OK, I got a stroke. That’s it.”

“I'm going to have an MRI, no brain hemorrhage. Perfectly fine,” he explained. “I eventually found out from a neurologist that I had what's called transient global amnesia and apparently my wife looked it up online. It's brought on by migraines and rigorous coitus.”

Liev Schreiber and Amy Ryan on stage

Schreiber discovered that he suffered from transient global amnesia. (Bruce Glikas/WireImage)


According to Cedars-Sinai, TGA is described as a sudden loss of short-term memory, which usually lasts no more than 24 hours. There is no specific cause for AGT, but it has been linked to migraines, sexual intercourse, sudden exposure to hot or cold water, emotional stress, and mild head trauma. .

The “Ray Donovan” actor said he didn't believe doctors when they told him his symptoms would “go away in eight to 24 hours,” joking that “as a typical Jewish hypochondriac type” , he was fully “convinced that [he] had a stroke, and they just couldn't find it. »

“I fall asleep, I wake up, I remember the whole play. I call the theater and I say: I'm coming to do the matinee. And they tell me: No, no, no. Your doctor said that you had to stay away until Tuesday and I was like, No, I need to know that I can do the play,” he said on “Late Night with Seth Meyers.”

“I never had another problem with it. I was embarrassed and thought everyone would think I was lying and taking a night off from the theater.”

Schreiber added that, of all the ways to get a TGA, he “had to get it because of a migraine,” joking with Meyers it was disappointing “when the other option is literally to fuck off the brain”.


Liev Schreiber on stage with the cast of

Fans can see Schreiber in “Doubt: A Parable” through April 21. (Bruce Glikas/WireImage)


“Doubt: A Parable” opened on Broadway in March and will run through April 21.




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