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NCIS actor Fletcher Voss has an impressive TV streak dating back to 1998

NCIS actor Fletcher Voss has an impressive TV streak dating back to 1998


Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for the 1000th episode of NCIS.


  • Fletcher Voss, CEO of Bandium, played a crucial role in
    '1000th episode, adding a killer touch to the long-running series.
  • Voss actor TJ Thyne made television history for the second time in his career by appearing in landmark episodes of both films.
  • Thyne's portrait of Fletcher Voss in
    season 21, episode 7 was a significant and sinister departure from its usual characters.

Bandium CEO Fletcher Voss played a central role in the 1000th episode of NCIS, but this isn't the first time his actor has appeared in a notable outing on a major TV show. The 1000th episode of NCIS is a major achievement for the series, and the long-running police procedural celebrated in style with Season 21, Episode 7, “A Thousand Yards.” Even though 23 years have passed since NCIS Initially launched, this stage managed to bring back the story of the pilot episode with a killer twist.

Many familiar faces from NCIS the story reappeared in “A Thousand Yards”, but the episode also featured a few newcomers. Among them was Bandium CEO Fletcher Voss, a shady tech executive who owned the app the eponymous team used to communicate. Voss' role in the plot against NCIS was relatively small, although he might return in NCIS season 22 after helping the main villain of episode 1000. Not only was Voss' role crucial to the story, but this role allowed his actor, TJ Thyne, to make television history for the second time in his career.


Why Every Main Character Left NCIS

NCIS is one of the longest-running shows on television, currently approaching its 21st season. Over the years, many characters have taken time off.

TJ Thyne appeared on the 100th episode of Friends – and now the 1000th episode of NCIS

Actor TJ Thyne had a role in these two historic TV episodes

Actor Fletcher Voss began his career in the 100th episode of Friends. Prolific actor TJ Thyne played the disarmingly youthful Dr. Oberman in Season 5, Episode 3, “The Hundredth.” Even though it was Thyne's first role, he managed to play a key role in a landmark episode of one of the biggest series in television history. Thyne has now repeated this feat with his appearance as Voss in NCIS'1000th episode, with the actor taking on a larger role in another massive series reaching a significant age.


NCIS's 1000th Episode Disrespects Inaugural Gibbs Team by Snubbing Two Original Characters

The 1000th episode of NCIS is a great way to celebrate the franchise's history, but somehow it forgets to include two essential members of Gibbs' original team.

Thyne of course didn't wait in the wings between these two high-profile roles. The actor has appeared in countless major television shows, with roles in The Experts: New York, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Grey's AnatomyAnd Charm. Notably, Thyne played a central role in the police procedural Bonestarring as forensic entomologist Jack Hodgins throughout the 12 seasons. Although this is Thyne's most recognizable role, he also appeared in a previous episode of NCIS. In Season 1, Episode 13, “One Shot, One Kill”, Thyne played the relatively minor role of Carl, a sardonic warehouse worker.

Why TJ Thyne's Role in NCIS' 1000th Episode Was So Important

Thyne played Bandium's boss in the 1000th episode of NCIS

Agents Torres and Knight wear NCIS hats and stand together, watching off-screen.

Years before playing a role in Gibbs-free NCIS In episode 1000, Thyne's first character on NCIS, Carl, criticized the titular team for failing to live up to his expectations on shows like CSI. “A Thousand Yards” doubled down on this, once again casting Thyne as a malignant character who tried to outsmart the team. Fletcher Voss was significantly more sinister than Carl, in that the episode cleverly subverted Thyne's sweet sentiment. Bone character by presenting him as a selfish and dangerous technological millionaire. Even though Voss was only a support act for the NCIS The true villain of the release, Thyne was an ideal choice for the role.


Season 21 airs every Monday at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.

NCIS Season 20 Cast Moves Above Show Title on Promo Poster


Sean Murray, Wilmer Valderrama, Katrina Law, Brian Dietzen, David McCallum, Mark Harmon, Rocky Carroll, Gary Cole, Joe Spano

Release date
September 23, 2003





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