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Samantha, the wife of actor Warwick Davis, has died at the age of 53.

Samantha, the wife of actor Warwick Davis, has died at the age of 53.


Samantha Davis, the wife of Star Wars and Harry Potter actor Warwick Davis, has died at the age of 53.

Warwick announced the news in a shared statement to the BBC, revealing that she had died on March 24.

Samantha co-founded dwarfism charity Little People UK and featured in the latest Harry Potter film, alongside Warwick.

British Comedy Awards 2010 – LondonBritish Comedy Awards 2010 – London

Warwick Davis and Samantha Davis (Ian West/PA)

His passing left a huge void in our family lives. I miss his hugs, Warwick said in a statement to the BBC.

He added that she was his most trusted confidante and a strong supporter of everything I did in my career.

The actor continued: She was a unique character, always seeing the bright side of life, she had a wicked sense of humor and would always laugh at my bad jokes.

The couple met on the set of George Lucas' film Willow and married three years later in 1991.

Samantha also played a goblin in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 while her husband played both Professor Flitwick and the goblin Griphook in all eight films in the franchise.

Their two children together, Annabelle and Harrison, also paid tribute to their mother, saying: Her love and happiness have carried us through our lives.

Mom is our best friend and we are honored to have received a love like hers.

In an interview with People in 2022, Warwick opened up about the heartbreak he and Samantha experienced after their first son died shortly after his birth due to complications related to the dwarfism genes he inherited from both his parents.

He told the American media: I think it brings you closer, or something like that. But it’s an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone. It's devastating.

A few years later, they suffered even more heartbreak when Samantha miscarried their second child.

Premiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – LondonPremiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – London

Harrison Davis, Samantha Davis, Warwick Davis and Annabelle Davis (Isabel Infantes/PA)

They then welcomed their daughter Annabelle and son Harrison, with Warwick saying the couple loved their children all the more because they were here with us.

Annabelle, 27, followed in her parents' footsteps by starring in CBBC shows The Dumping Ground and Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks.

Warwick starred as the titular hero Willow Ufgood in the original 1988 Willow film and reprized the role for the 2022 sequel.

He has also played several characters in the Star Wars film series.

Samantha and Warwick co-founded Little People UK in 2012 to help people with dwarfism and their families.




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