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Taylor Swift Surprises Fans With Kim Kardashian's Diss Track

Taylor Swift Surprises Fans With Kim Kardashian's Diss Track


Taylor Swift is fueling a years-long beef with Kim Kardashian with a new track thank you aIMee, which fans quickly noticed capitalizes the letters KIM in the title.

With the surprise release of her deluxe album on Friday, Swifties weren't prepared for the obvious Kim K diss track, in which Swift sung that his holy mother wishes the death of the spray-tanned bronze antagonist.

Swift goes on to say in the song that she screamed Fuck you, Aimee into the night sky and she can't forgive the way you made me feel, before finally concluding that there wouldn't be that , if it hadn't been for a feeling she had previously expressed within her. Time Last year's person of the year interview. At the time, she credited her success as being the catalyst for someone who hated me taking away my life's work, before detailing her version of their long-standing problem.

Swift and Chief Kardashian have been feuding since 2016, when the latter came to the defense of her then-husband Kanye West (now known as Ye), who called Swift that bitch in his song Famous.

After the song's release, Swift released a statement through her team that Yes, I feel like Taylor and I might still have sex/Why? I made this bitch famous, I was a misogynist and she wasn't aware of his inclusion in the song when he asked to share the song on social media. She then took another jab at the rapper on stage at the Grammys a few days later, claiming at the time that he tried to take credit for her accomplishments and fame.

It was apparently the final straw for Yes's then-wife Kardashian, who posted a TikTok featuring a phone call between Swift and Ye, in which Swift appeared to agree with the girl's lyrics. song. In the video, Swift can be heard telling the rapper: I don't think anyone would listen to that and be like, oh, that's real discord. And then, if people ask me about it, I think it would be great for me to say: Look, he called me and told me about the line before it came out. Like, the joke's on you guys, everything was fine.

Swift hit back after the video was deleted, saying her comments during the phone call were made before she knew she was going to be called that bitch in the song. No footage of Ye revealing this bitchy line to Swift has ever been shared.

Kardashian later alleged in GQ that Swift's lawyers sent a letter demanding that footage of her phone call with Ye be destroyed. Swift did not respond to these specific allegations at the time, but said through its representatives that she doesn't understand why Kanye West, and now Kim Kardashian, won't leave her alone.

The singer spoke about the ordeal again last year in an interview with Time, where she described what happened this way: You have a completely fabricated frame job, in an illegally recorded phone call, that Kim Kardashian edited and then released to tell everyone I was a liar . She added that the debacle took me psychologically to a place I had never been before. I moved to a foreign country. I didn't move out of a rental house for a year. I was afraid of receiving phone calls. I pushed away most people in my life because I no longer trusted anyone. I fell really hard.

Given the striking similarity between these comments and the song's lyrics, thank you aIMee is almost certainly about Kardashian, which she expands on by referencing the actress-influencer's daughter: I changed your name, and any clues , and one day your child comes home singing a song that only we will know is about you.




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