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Johnny Depp attacks Hollywood films 'Dreck' and compares studio bosses to 'glorified accountants'

Johnny Depp attacks Hollywood films 'Dreck' and compares studio bosses to 'glorified accountants'


Pirates of the Caribbean And Fantastic Beasts Star Johnny Depp appears to be on the verge of a comeback. This comes after several years of making headlines following a messy and acrimonious divorce with Aquaman star Amber Heard.

Depp has been persona non grata in Hollywood since 2020, when he lost a libel case against The Sun after being branded a “wife beater”. He then won a victory in his libel suit against Heard and has since focused on European cinema.

The next step for him isJeanne Du Barry and it seems the actor wants to continue making films like that instead of taking center stage in your typical blockbusters.

“Overall, for the majority of the years I've been wandering around aimlessly, talking to people, they really want the same thing,” » said Depp. “They don't want to be fed trash. They're happy when they experience something new or different.”

“That's why I always felt, as an actor, that it was your responsibility. When you take that step every time… you put as much on the line as anyone.”

No longer required to be nice to Hollywood executives, Depp isn't shy about making his feelings known when it comes to studio bosses.

“They are disposable and they realize it” he declares. “Glorified accountants who have the ability to press the green light and make studio films…but they press the green light, they've spent tons of money.”

“The budgets are ridiculous on these films…a romantic comedy with two very popular characters. People, real people, are fed up.”

It's hard to say whether Depp considers superhero movies part of the “bullshit” he's referring to here, although that last comment sounds like an assassination attempt. Anyone but you starring Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney (which garnered good reviews and performed well at the box office).

It remains to be seen whether Depp will have the chance to make a return to the mainstream… or even if he wants to, for that matter. There have been rumors about the actor's return to Pirates of the Caribbeanalthough Disney would almost certainly be criticized for bringing him back as Captain Jack Sparrow.

However, many seem ready to see Depp make his return and would like him to become a staple of cinemas again. Its box office drawing power was in decline before 2020, but half a decade later that may well have changed.

As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments in the usual place.




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