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Superb collection of cars of Bollywood actresses: from Shraddha's Lambo to Sunny Leone's Gloster

Superb collection of cars of Bollywood actresses: from Shraddha's Lambo to Sunny Leone's Gloster


Bollywood stars are known for their glamorous lifestyle, which often extends to their choice of wheels. While some big screen actresses prefer sports cars, others prefer luxury sedans. Here, let's take a quick look at some of the stunning cars owned by Bollywood's biggest actresses, including a rather modest choice with a popular name.
Shraddha Kapoor – Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica
Shraddha Kapoor, known for her roles in films such as Aashiqui-2, Ek Villain and many more, is the proud owner of a stunning Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica, finished in the Rosso Mars (red) color scheme. It is priced at Rs 4.04. crore, ex-showroom, before the customization options came into play.
This sports car from the house of the raging bull houses a 5.0 liter V10 engine producing 639 hp and 565 Nm of peak torque. This Italian supercar can reach a speed of 100 km/h from a standstill in just 3.2 seconds and reach a top speed of 325 km/h!

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Kareena Kapoor, Kiara Advani – Mercedes-Benz S-Class
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kiara Advani both share their choice for a German machine. The Good Newwz co-actresses both own a Mercedes-Benz S-Class. Last year, Advani bought a swanky Maybach S-Class, priced at Rs 2.69 crore, ex-showroom. Prices of this luxury machine go up to Rs 3.73 crore, ex-showroom.
In India, the Mercedes-Maybach S-Class sedan offers two options: the Maybach S-Class S580 and the Maybach S-Class S680. The S580 features a robust 4.0-litre eight-cylinder petrol engine with 496hp and 700Nm, while the S680 features a more powerful 603hp and 900Nm 6.0-litre 12-cylinder petrol engine. . Both models are equipped with a nine-speed automatic transmission and can reach a top speed of 250 km/h.
Sunny Leone – MG Gloster
Last year, Bollywood actress and TV host Sunny Leone revealed that she had lost three of her limbs. luxury cars including a Mercedes-Benz GL-Class in the Mumbai rain. Later, she opted for a more practical and spacious vehicle: the MG Gloster. The actress calls the Gloster a truck. It is powered by a 4.0-litre four-cylinder diesel engine producing 212 hp and 478.5 Nm of peak torque. This SUV is priced at a starting price of Rs 38.80 lakh, ex-showroom, and is currently due for a facelift.
Alia Bhatt – Range Rover Autobiography
Last year, Alia Bhatt purchased a new Range Rover Autobiography LWB luxury SUV, opting for the long wheelbase variant in Carpathian Grey. The SUV offers three engine choices: a 3.3-liter six-cylinder gasoline engine producing 400 hp and 550 Nm of torque, a 3.0-liter six-cylinder diesel engine producing 350 hp and 700 Nm of torque, and a 4-cylinder twin-turbo V8. .4 liters. petrol engine developing 530 hp and 750 Nm of torque. All engines are mated to an 8-speed torque converter automatic gearbox, delivering power to all four wheels.
Deepika Padukone – Mercedes-Maybach GLS
One of the greatest actresses of today's times, Deepika Padukone completes the list with a touch of opulence in her Mercedes-Maybach GLS. This ultra-luxury SUV is being brought to our shores via the CBU route.
The Maybach GLS 600 surpasses the standard version in power. Equipped with a 4.0-liter V8 engine and a 48V mild-hybrid system, it generates an impressive 557 hp and 730 Nm of torque. Additionally, the hybrid system can provide an additional 22 hp and 250 Nm of boost when needed. Power is distributed to all four wheels via a 9-speed automatic transmission.




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