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Tucson amputee actor to appear in HBO's The Sympathizer

Tucson amputee actor to appear in HBO's The Sympathizer


TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) Tucson Actor Michael Ray will appear in an episode of the HBO limited series, The sympathizer.

But the path to get there has not been easy.

More than a decade ago, Ray lost his leg in a motorcycle accident while living in Abilene, Texas.

One day I was walking home and a car didn't see me and drove towards me, Ray said. It broke my jaw in three places, crushed my collarbone, had severe head trauma and many of my teeth. It was a pretty bad time

Ray wears a prosthetic leg to get around, which still causes him pain 11 years later. But it wasn't the physical pain that hurt the most.

When you're a manly man and you lose a leg, it takes away so much, he said. I didn't want to live sometimes.

The accident followed several stints in prison, with Ray having spent a total of 17 years in prison. He also suffered from liver problems due to previous struggles with drug addiction, which only worsened his problems after the accident.

I couldn't work because I was physically incapable at the time, Ray says. So I didn't have insurance. I just haven't found where Texas can help me repair my liver.

Ray and his wife decided to move to Tucson, where he could find affordable health insurance. There, he seeks to reinvent himself.

I turned 50 and what am I doing with my life? he said laughing. I wanted something a little different, a little exciting, a little dangerous, a little scary.

This is unlikely to have turned out to be acting, which Ray took to immediately.

I took a class and completely fell in love with theater,” he says. And it turns out some people say I'm pretty good at it.

Some people included the producers of the HBO limited series The sympathizer. The series is set during the Vietnam War and concerns a Vietnamese double agent working for both his native country and the United States.

Ray was cast as a general and given the opportunity to work alongside Academy Award winner Robert Downey Jr., an actor who also had a difficult past and one of the most dramatic. returns in Hollywood history.

Reflecting on the experience, Ray says it fulfilled his natural thrill-seeking need.

I'm a recovering drug addict, so I equate it with drugs, he says. It's that rush of ah, I did that. I played with the greatest actor of our time.

Ray will appear in episode six of The sympathizerscheduled for release on May 19.




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