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Priyanka Chopra recalls 'dark times' when she moved from Bollywood to Hollywood, 'I was alone…'

Priyanka Chopra recalls 'dark times' when she moved from Bollywood to Hollywood, 'I was alone…'


Priyanka Chopra remembers the

Priyanka Chopra has made a name for herself not only in the Indian film industry but also in Hollywood. The actress, who ventured into showbiz after winning the Miss World pageant in 2000, has worked in several popular Bollywood films, including Krrish, Don 2, Fashion, Barfi, Mary Kom, Bajirao Mastani, and much more. On the other hand, PeeCee has captivated her fans across the globe with her powerful performances in Quantico, Citadel, Love Again, Baywatch and more.

Priyanka Chopra shares how she restarted her career in Hollywood

Recently, the global superstar spoke with Cavanaugh James on his podcast, Read The Room. During the conversation, the actress spoke about the transition from Bollywood to Hollywood and the challenges she faced while changing her workplace. Despite her extensive filmography in Indian showbiz, Priyanka has faced several rejections in the West. In his words:

“It was like it was starting all over again. I started from the beginning. I was on the cover of a certain magazine six times in my country, but in the United States they didn't even want to meet me. It took me a long time, and I was like everything was fine! »

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Priyanka Chopra Recalls How Hard She Worked and Didn't Let Rejections Affect Her

Despite the constant setbacks she encountered, PeeCee continued to move forward and viewed the rejections as humiliating experiences. Moreover, she kept her head down and did all the difficult efforts to reach the stage she is at now. Sharing how she promised not to be upset by the rejections, Priyanka added:

“It humbles you to be like this is where I am right now. I was like I'm not going to be upset about this, or I'm not going to say it's a closed door, I'm going to navigate to something else. I'll see where I can go and what else my next move can be. I put my head down and did the work. I didn't bring my pride of “I'm a leading lady and blah blah…” I didn't do that and that's what helped me get to the position I'm in Today.

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Priyanka Chopra opens up about the 'dark period' of her life

Additionally, Priyanka mentioned that she was scared when she moved to Hollywood. She revealed that she had no friends in New York and said that everything was new to her. Priyanka called the early years of her stay in the West a “dark period of her life” and said:

“But when I moved countries again, it's an industry I don't know, people, I don't know, I didn't have friends calling me at 2 in the morning. Its very important. I was very alone and it was very scary. I was in New York, which is an intimidating city anyway. It was a dark time in my life.

Priyanka Chopra says she understood that sometimes people have to face difficult situations in their lives

In the same conversation, Priyanka also mentioned that she is a solution-oriented person and wants everything to be resolved. According to her, there comes a time in everyone's life when there are no solutions and we have to go through difficult situations. It's exactly what helped her ride the wave instead of fighting it, what led her to reach a cold place in her life where, good, bad or ugly, she doesn't let anything tear her apart like Before.

What do you think of Priyanka Chopra's revelations?

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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