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Actor Grard Depardieu will be tried for alleged sexual assault on a film set, according to prosecutors | First World War

Actor Grard Depardieu will be tried for alleged sexual assault on a film set, according to prosecutors |  First World War


PARIS (AP) French actor Grard Depardieu will face a criminal trial in October for the alleged 2021 sexual assaults of two women on the set of a film, prosecutors announced Monday.

The 75-year-old actor, who had previously denied any wrongdoing, was arrested on Monday to be questioned by police in Paris for several hours. His lawyer, Christian Saint-Palais, subsequently refused to comment to journalists, saying only that the actor was no longer in custody.

The Paris prosecutor's office indicates in a press release that the actor was summoned to appear before the criminal court following his interrogation.

A trial will open in October for sexual assaults likely to have been committed in September 2021 against two victims, on the set of the film Les Volets vertes, the press release specifies. The alleged victims have not been named.

French newspaper Le Parisien reported that a 53-year-old film decorator claimed Depardieu grabbed her and kneaded her waist, stomach and breasts during the filming of Volets vertes, according to the woman's lawyer , Carine Durrieu Diebolt. , when she filed a complaint with the Paris prosecutor's office in February.

In an open letter last October, Depardieu said: I have never, ever abused a woman.

Depardieu was also accused by more than a dozen other women of harassing, groping or sexually assaulting them. He faced preliminary charges of rape and sexual assault in 2020 following allegations from actor Charlotte Arnould.

In this case, the investigating judge completed his investigation on April 17 and transferred the file to the Paris prosecutor's office to examine and determine the continuation of the procedure, the prosecutor's office said on Monday.

Depardieu has long been considered a national icon in France. He was a global ambassador for French cinema and achieved international fame with several roles in Hollywood.

The latest episode involving Depardieu comes as French cinema is rocked by a #metoo awakening following actress Judith Godrèche's call for the French film industry to face the truth about sexual violence and physical abuse. She made the call during a live broadcast in February of the César ceremony, the French version of the Oscars.


Barbara Surk reported from Nice, France. AP writer John Leicester in Le Pecq, France, contributed.




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