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Avengers vs. X-Men Animated Storyline Has a Real Chance, Says Professor X Voice Actor

Avengers vs. X-Men Animated Storyline Has a Real Chance, Says Professor X Voice Actor


As the much-loved X-Men '97 animated series comes to an end, fans are speculating that the next step for Marvel is to follow it up with an Avengers vs. X-Men storyline. Now a voice actor has added weight to that speculation by saying he has a real chance.

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Season 1 of X-Men '97.

X-Men '97 features a number of superhero cameos from the Marvel Universe, including a recent look at Spider-Man and a longer look at Captain America. Episode 7, dubbed Bright Eyes, revolves around a distraught Rogue determined to seek revenge for Gambit's death. Along the way, she meets Captain America, who is on a mission.

In one scene, Rogue throws Captain America's famous shield over the horizon before flying away. Captain America is left in the dust, probably in the long run to reclaim the shield.

Now speaking to ComicBook.comProfessor X voice actor Ross Marquand referenced this scene and said there was a real chance an Avengers vs.

“You saw what happened in the last episode [with] Rogue and Captain America,” Marquand said. “There's a real chance of that happening. He can't fly. The captain can't fly. She threw it down the side of a snowy mountain. I'm sure it's lodged in there 50 feet deep. He won't find this shield. It's not like Mjolnir where you can just pull it out, it's stuck in this thing. He's going to be pissed at Snape for a while.”

“He won't find that shield. It's not like Mjolnir where you can just take it out, he's stuck in that thing. He's going to be pissed at Rogue for a while.

While X-Men '97 has yet to conclude its first season, there are already some tantalizing theories about how it could connect to the broader MCU in the future. As IGN explored in our recent article, X-Men '97: 10 Burning Questions After Episode 8, not only do we see Spider-Man, but Doctor Doom and Baron Zemo are given speaking roles in the part of the secret Bastion cabal. There is even a reference to Kamar-Taj.

Perhaps Marvel is planning an epic crossover that would see the X-Men do battle with the Avengers, as both superhero teams have done before in the comics. This is just speculation for now, but what we do know is that Marquand is happy to continue voicing Professor X for years to come.

“I tell my manager all the time,” Marquand said, “if this is the last thing I do in my career, I would die a happy man. I really would.”

For more on X-Men '97, look back an era when X-Men was the greatest comic book on Earth and refresh all Marvel films and series in development.

Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at [email protected] or confidentially at [email protected].




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