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Actor Jaleel White Marries Technical Director Nicoletta Ruhl in LA Country Club Wedding (Exclusive)

Actor Jaleel White Marries Technical Director Nicoletta Ruhl in LA Country Club Wedding (Exclusive)


Jaleel White is married!

THE Family matters former student and author, 47, whose new book 'Growing up Urkel' comes out on November 19 and said “yes” to technical director Nicoletta Ruhl at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles on May 4.

“It was important that all the people who impact our daily lives were there and that each of them could have fun and feel like they were part of something intimate and meaningful,” Ruhl told PEOPLE about the couple's 175th anniversary. -celebration of guests.

Jaleel White married technical director Nicoletta Ruhl on May 4 at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles.

Alex W Photography

The festivities featured neutral decor and included “5-star food” and lots of great music. “We had three DJs at different stages of the wedding and each one was phenomenal,” says White. But the bride and groom's biggest priority on their special day was making sure they had “enough time to spend with the people who have had a positive impact on our lives and who continue to support us every day.”

After exchanging vows (this is White's first marriage), Ruhl and the actor, who is dad to daughter Samaya, 14, celebrated with guests including Omar Miller, Lamorne Morris, Adam Ray, Hannah Stocking, Mekhi Phifer, Alyson Felix. , Camilla Belle and Sina Sadighi over a dinner of filet mignon and vegetable branzino.

For dessert, they cut a red velvet wedding cake with lemon, funfetti and vanilla.

Jaleel White married technical director Nicoletta Ruhl on May 4 at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles.

Alex W Photography

The duo then surprised the crowd with an outfit change and a choreographed dance to Marvin Gaye's “Aint No Mountain High Enough.”

White and Ruhl, who swam at Yale as undergraduates and earned his business degree from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, first met during the pandemic when they were all training both on the UCLA track.

Sports tech company executive started relationship on Instagram on New Year's Day 2022, sharing photos of the couple snuggled up together as they celebrated the holiday. “New year, same friends,” she captioned the post.

Jaleel White married technical director Nicoletta Ruhl on May 4 at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles.

Alex W Photography

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In June of that year, the two publicly stepped out together to attend the premiere of White's film. Hustle where they were joined by the actor's daughter.

For the newlyweds, marriage means that “we have all committed to loving and helping each other achieve the best possible outcome in everything we do, both personally and professionally,” White says.

Jaleel White married technical director Nicoletta Ruhl on May 4 at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles.

Alex W Photography

Ruhl adds: “We don't rush anything and we always have honest intentions with each other. We both fully believe that when you force something it won't result in the best outcome and through that we have seen many blessings in our life together so far.

Looking back on the couple's big day, the actor says it couldn't have been more perfect. “I felt like a prince.”




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