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When Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala's name was linked to these celebrities

When Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala's name was linked to these celebrities


Manisha Koirala was recently seen in Heeramandi.

Manisha Koirala was recently seen in Heeramandi.

Manisha got married to business tycoon Samrat Dahal in 2010.

Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala is currently in the limelight for her performance in Heeramandi. Broadcast on Netflix, the series is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Manisha plays a central role in it. She was born into the politically prominent Koirala family in Nepal. She made her acting debut with the Nepali film Pheri Bhetaula in 1989 and later starred in the Hindi drama Saudagar in 1991. Since then, the actress never looked back and continued her journey. She has worked in popular films like 1942: A Love Story, Bombay, Mann, Lajja and Mehbooba, to name a few. So far, Manisha Koirala has worked in more than 89 films and series. Manisha Koirala has also been in the news more for her personal life. His alleged affairs had always been in the spotlight. Today, let's take a look at the actress's love life.

According to reports, Manisha's name was linked to Vivek Mushran, the hero of her debut film, Saudagar. There were many headlines about their affair. Soon after, the relationship was said to have ended. After this, he proposed the name of Bollywood actor Nana Patekar. The relationship between the two has also attracted people's attention. Their relationship also quickly ended, according to reports.

After this, DJ Whosane reportedly entered Manisha's life. This relationship also ended. It is said that DJ Whosane even proposed to Manisha. She refused to marry him. Soon after her breakup with DJ Whosane, Manisha reportedly fell in love with a London-based Nigerian businessman, Cecil Anthony. Cecil's relationship with Manisha also ended within a few days.

After this, Manisha Koirala had an affair with Mumbai-based restaurateur Prashant Chaudhary. After that, Manisha was rumored to be dating Australian Ambassador to Nepal, Crispin Conroy. It was also stated that when Crispin proposed to her, Manisha decided to call it quits.

Then Manisha Koirala's name was also linked to music director Sandeep Chowta and author Christopher Dorris.

Manisha married Samrat Dahal, a business tycoon seven years her junior from Nepal in 2010. This marriage also did not last long and both divorced after two years of marriage in 2012.




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