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Bollywood feels crush on Covid-19


A photo of the film
A photo of the film

THE virus killer hits the Indian film industry with huge losses


THE overwhelming coronavirus has made its first major victims in Bollywood and the global damage should amount to hundreds of millions of pounds worldwide.

The first three giants of Indian cinema to fall were all slated to take place this week.The much-awaited tour of Shreya Ghoshals in the UK has been postponed to the August holiday and to a mega-budget action artistSooryavanshi, which will not be released on March 24, has been postponed indefinitely. The next UK Asian Film Festival, due to start on March 25, planned to welcome VIP guests from Bollywood, including Hema Malini, Konkona Sen Sharma, Ekta Kapoor and Boney Kapoor, but they are unable to attend. ; event due to travel restrictions.

Shreya Ghoshal

Recently released film Angrezi Medium has suffered a lot due to the closure of cinemas across India and the fact that audiences are staying away from screenings, which will result in huge losses for producers (albeit ; they plan to publish it at a later date, despite largely poor reviews).

Films including Radhe: your beloved Bhai, Jersey and Brahmastra had already suspended production, but Indian film authorities will cut all film and TV schedule times in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh starrer Jayeshbhai Jordaar, Farhan Akhtars Toofaan and Vicky Kausal's film Sardar Udham Singh have all moved their respective release dates. Salman Khan canceled a tour of the United States and Canada in early April. Similar events with other stars and huge Bollywood concerts are also canceled around the world.

There will be more announcements of movie and concert reports in the coming weeks.

The massive money spent on marketing these upcoming movies and events has also been wasted as dates change.

Amitabh Bachchan canceled his decades-old tradition of meeting fans on a Sunday outside his residence in Mumbai due to fear of the virus and asked supporters to stay away.

Interestingly, stars on List A will be the least affected as they will be paid in most cases, including non-refundable deposits for live events. Their only setback will be stopping new projects, which will cause a delay in future payments.

Most film producers will raise funds from private sources or studios, so they will not feel as badly for movies that fall due to the lack of audience they would have already been paid to make the films. The financiers, theater owners, movie crews and field workers who work in movie theaters and concert halls will suffer the biggest financial loss.

Producers have halted work on various projects because the bottleneck created by the postponed projects means that there will be little cinema space available. The share prices of listed companies interested in Indian cinema will also suffer losses, and last but not least, the public will lose because there will be no new films in the foreseeable future.

Salman under pressure

Salman Khan (Photo by Sujit Jaiswal / AFP / Getty Images)

Last week, I wrote that Salman Khan (right) was under immense pressure this Eid after delivering three disastrous films in a row on the lucrative holiday release date, and by the same token more than that he was facing a box office battle with another star for the first time.

It looks like the coronavirus will come to his rescue and help him save face. He will probably postpone the Radhe: your most wanted Bhai liberate and blame the global pandemic. If it releases the film and its most predicted disaster, the virus driving away the audience will be used as an excuse.

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