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chain smoker in bollywood


This addiction to Hrithik also created some problems during his shooting. To check, just follow the link in the post. An extremely renowned actor across the world, the Badshah of Bollywood, King Khan is guilty of being a chain smoker. The actress is so addicted to smoking that it is almost impossible for her to give up her addiction.

He’s a super addict who has had a hard time giving it up.

The actress herself has revealed that it is difficult for her to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Irrfan Khan himself revealed that he was very disappointed with his addiction to smoking and wanted to stop it. Smokers of the Bollywood channel TNN | Last Update – Aug 12, 2020, 12:05 PM IST Share fbshare twshare pinshare Comments (0) close Refrain from posting obscene, defamatory or inflammatory comments, and do not engage in personal attacks, name calling or incitement to hatred against a community.

There has been speculation about his efforts to give it up for a long time. However, there has been a lot of speculation that the actor quit smoking and drinking after treatment for his nervous illness. Former Miss UniverseSushmita Sen is very addicted to smoking. The actor has also been seen smoking in public places. It is no secret that the life of a Bollywood actor is vulnerable. The actress smokes and drinks quite often. But the actor has quit smoking now. Just as they inspire us with their generous actions of helping the needy, their bad habits are also quickly learned by fans. 6. ETimes is an entertainment, television and lifestyle industry promotional website and features infomercials and native advertising. The actor has also been seen smoking in public places. So, check out the list of 10Bollywood actors who are chain smokers in real life. His habit is so crazy that even during filming his assistants have to be on the run to meet his nicotine needs every time a scene is cut. The Singham made this habit extremely visible with his unattractive teeth.

Relief for Rhea as Bombay HC drops funding, harboring drug charges! The beautiful actress has made many drinking and smoking scenes in her films. There are many film actresses in the Bollywood film industry who have been addicted to smoking and have been chain smokers. Cigarettes, however, are really part of his bread and butter. The actor was once a heavy smoker and drug addict.

Kangana Ranaut is a smoker in real life. There has been speculation about his cravings between his shots, which occasionally annoyed his directors. One of his photos while smoking on the sets of Happy New Year clicked by a media aroused a lot of controversy. Please help us remove comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them as offensive. Arjun Kapoor. Shahrukh Khan himself admitted that he smokes a lot. Arjun Kapoor was also a chain smoker. To report a problem? All rights reserved. Shah Rukh Khan is also a heavy smoker in real life. 1. He never really made an effort to quit smoking. NawabSaif Ali Khan smoked so frequently that he was also hospitalized for the same. 2. Salman Khan. However, Ameesha is trying to get rid of her addiction. Must-see Bollywood bad boy on this list, Salman Khan. Since Arjun also underwent a major body transformation, he chose to live a healthy life. Ranbir Kapoor. We see him very often display his habit of being a chain smoker in public of which he is not at all guilty. Opening the list of chain smokers in Bollywood, Sushmita is a heavy chain smoker in real life. Arjun Rampal is one of the chain smokers in Bollywood, that too for a long time now. According to her, it is her personal choice to drink or smoke. Bigg Boss 14 Live Updates: Will Abhinav sacrifice his immunity for his love Rubina. Rani herself said this about her smoking habit.

Veteran actress Tanuja is a chain smoker. BB 14: The Sidharth-Nikki friendship is about Shehnaaz Gill? A mom’s boy otherwise doesn’t seem to bow to the same when it comes to smoking.

Sanjay Dutt was even allowed to smoke in prison. Arshad Warsi is a smoker in real life. Singer deleted DP, didn’t follow Sid! SIGN UP NOW to get the latest news, gossip about your favorite stars, and freshly-prepared movie reviews from top critics delivered straight to your inbox. King Khan is a heavy chain smoker in his real life. Ranbir Kapoor became a smoker at the age of 15.

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