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South Korea expands intensive social distance to 50 daily cases of coronavirus


SEOUL South Korea said on Saturday that it would extend its intensive social distancing campaign which is scheduled to end on Monday for two weeks with the aim of reducing the rate of coronavirus infections to around 50 per day.

The country has largely succeeded in containing the largest epidemic in Asia outside of China with around 100 new cases or less per day. But smaller epidemics in churches, hospitals and nursing homes, as well as infections among travelers, continue to emerge.

This week, the government assessed whether to extend an intensive 15-day social distancing policy it implemented on March 21, under which high-risk establishments were asked to close and religious rallies , sports and entertainment have been banned.

But it’s “too early to be comfortable,” said Health Minister Park Neung-hoo, citing a recent spike in imported cases and small cluster infections that have also prompted the government to cancel the reopening of schools next week.

“Our goal is to be able to control infections so that our health and medical system, including staff and sick beds, can manage them at normal levels,” Park said in a briefing after a meeting. of the government on the coronavirus.

“If the number drops to 50 or less, stable treatment of patients, including the critically ill, will be possible without putting too much strain on the system.”

The Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) reported 94 new cases on Saturday, bringing the national total to 10,156. The death toll increased from three to 177, while more than 300 recovered from the virus for a total of 6,325.

Of the new arrivals, 32 were repatriated, mostly from Korea, while 31 were from the greater Seoul area and 26 from the most affected city of Daegu, according to KCDC data.

Social distancing played a role in limiting transmissions from domestic groups by about 70% in the first 11 days compared to the last 11 days before it came into effect, Park said.

But there are signs that people have started going out and socializing again as the fatigue of isolation increases and the weather improves, he said.

“We are well aware that many citizens feel exhausted and lethargic as a result of the continuing social estrangement,” said Park. “But if we relax, the strenuous efforts that the government and the people have made so far may not be successful.”

(Reporting by Hyonhee Shin; Editing by Lincoln Feast.)

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