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Pia Miller and Hollywood agent Patrick Whitesell are getting married?


Pia Miller, 36, and her handsome Hollywood agent Patrick Whitesell, 55, confirmed their romance in December, after months of speculation.

And now there are rumors that the pair may consider getting married after the coronavirus pandemic subsides and the travel bans are lifted.

According to Women’s Day Monday, an insider said the loved couple was’ready to go down the aisle “and I hope to say” yes “in the near future.

Wedding bells coming? Rumors revolve around Pia Miller and her handsome Hollywood agent Patrick Whitesell could tie the knot after posting a VERY cryptic Instagram post and wearing a very large diamond ring in February. Pictured: Pia, 36, and Patrick, 55, in February

Wedding bells coming? Rumors revolve around Pia Miller and her handsome Hollywood agent Patrick Whitesell could tie the knot after posting a VERY cryptic Instagram post and wearing a very large diamond ring in February. Pictured: Pia, 36, and Patrick, 55, in February

Marriage in preparation? Publication calls for Pia's comment on

Marriage in preparation? Publication calls for Pia’s comment on “some magical and joyful days ahead” when she mentioned a plan to return to the Italian Amalfi Coast later this year sparked rumors of a wedding

The publication claims Pia’s comment on “ a few magical and joyful days ahead ” when she mentioned a plan to return to the Amalfi Coast in Italy later this year sparked rumors of a marriage.

They also reported a recent photo of Pia wearing a large diamond ring in February.

At first glance, the huge stone of the model takes center stage, but while it was the correct hand for an engagement ring, the sparkler was placed on his middle finger and not on his ring finger.

Pia was actually holding her mobile device with her right hand, because the placement of her cameras showed that the image had been flipped in the mirror.

Daily Mail Australia contacted Pia Miller’s agent for comment.

Staying Connected: Pia posted a sweet screenshot of a FaceTime call with her American stepfather Patrick on Instagram on Sunday, using Marvin Gaye's song Distant Lover in the background

Staying Connected: Pia posted a sweet screenshot of a FaceTime call with her American stepfather Patrick on Instagram on Sunday, using Marvin Gaye’s song Distant Lover in the background

The pandemic coronavirus has been banned from international travel for at least six months as the world struggles to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

While Pia often traveled between Los Angeles and Australia before the epidemic, the couple seem to be using technology to stay connected.

The brunette posted a sweet screenshot of a FaceTime call with Patrick on Instagram on Sunday, using the song Distant Lover by Marvin Gaye in the background.

Keeping your privacy private: Pia said she was going back and forth between Los Angeles and Australia before the killer virus hatched. She also hinted that FaceTime was the secret to keeping the spark alive

Keeping your privacy private: Pia said she was going back and forth between Los Angeles and Australia before the killer virus hatched. She also hinted that FaceTime was the secret to keeping the spark alive

In an interview with Now to lovein March, the Sydney-based actress hinted that FaceTime was the secret to keeping their spark alive.

“[I have] friends and family who live all over the world … let’s just say that FaceTime has really had a run for its money recently! she shyly revealed.

Former Home and Away Starmade Its “ Official Instagram ” Relationship In December By Publishinga romantic moment from the pair of their June trip to Paris.

Together: in December of last year, Pia made her relationship with Patrick 'Instagram Official'. Photographed in February

Together: in December of last year, Pia made her relationship with Patrick ‘Instagram Official’. Photographed in February

As of the morning of Monday, April 6, the total number of people diagnosed with the virus was 5,750 cases, including 37 deaths.

Super Agent: Patrick is the CEO of the Hollywood talent agency WME and represents people like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Hugh Jackman. Photographed in February in Los Angeles

Super Agent: Patrick is the CEO of the Hollywood talent agency WME and represents people like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Hugh Jackman. Photographed in February in Los Angeles

They would have started dating in May 2019, after the breakdown of Patrick’s marriage to Lauren Sanchez, who would now be engaged to the boss of Amazon, Jeff Bezos.

Pia and Patrick had kept their story secret for months, despite having embarked on several holidays around the world last year.

Patrick is the CEO of the Hollywood talent agency WME and represents personalities like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Hugh Jackman.

Patrick is worth about 440 million US dollars (630 million Australian dollars), according to Forbes.

Case of the ex: they would have started dating in May 2019, following the breakdown of Patrick's marriage to Lauren Sanchez (photo from 2012), who would now be engaged to the boss of Amazon Jeff Bezos

Case of the ex: they would have started dating in May 2019, following the breakdown of Patrick’s marriage to Lauren Sanchez (photo from 2012), who would now be engaged to the boss of Amazon Jeff Bezos

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