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Aleister Black defeats Bobby Lashley at WWE WrestleMania 36 | Laundress Report


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Aleister Black enjoyed his first singles match at WrestleManiawith a victory over Bobby Lashley on evening 2 of WrestleMania 36.

The Almighty had Black in position for the Dominator before Lana told him to go get a Lance instead. Lashley nodded, a decision he would regret after meeting Black Mass directly.

March 23, WWE announced unexpectedly that Black and Lashley would face the Show of Shows despite the fact that they had had little interaction before.

It is possible that the company planned to put the two men in the royal battle of André le Géant, but due to the risks linked to the simultaneous presence of so many people in the ring in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, it has decided to eliminate this fight from the map.

Wanting to put Black and Lashley on the map to some extent, pitting them against each other was a natural decision, even with their lack of history on the screen.

The Dutchman has clearly been a project of choice for Raw executive director Paul Heyman in recent months as he has largely dominated the red brand, with the exception of one loss aided by O.C. at AJ Styles. However, he recovered the victory in the Elimination Chamber and entered WrestleMania with great momentum.

Lashley was mired in a longtime love triangle story with Rusev and Lana for months, but he finally seems to be behind him. Although the angle is not exactly loved by the WWE universe, The All Mighty has been released several times in front of The Bulgarian Brute.

On paper, the confrontation between Black and Lashley was fascinating. The former is one of the most vicious attackers in WWE, while the latter is a physical specimen that has improved significantly in the ring over the years.

Black and Lashley both have potential for the main event, and even though they were placed in an undercard match at WrestleMania, this was significant in determining who, according to WWE, is closest to the top.

WrestleMania’s fight may well have looked like a boxing or MMA title eliminator, with the winner moving up the ladder and the loser being knocked down a few steps.

If that’s the case, then Black may not be competing in the WWE Championship after defeating Lashley.

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