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Chris Evans says he backs off Trump criticism while stepping up political website


One of the famous critics of Donald Trump gives him a break.

Marvel star Chris Evans has never been shy about opposing Trump, often sharing his views on Twitter, including criticizing one of the president’s addresses at the start of the coronavirus crisis.

Lately, however, the 38-year-old actor has chosen to fire the president as he prepares to launch a political website, A Starting Point.


“I’m going to take my foot off the gas [of social media] for a little while until this thing is up and running, “said Evans. Squire of his vocalization of his opposition to Trump.

Chris Evans.

Chris Evans.
(Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images)

Evans said that over the past year, he had spoken with 160 elected officials while preparing his site, which is slated to launch in the spring.

Evans hopes to use the conversations to produce short videos that break down different political perspectives on different issues.

Unfortunately for Evans, most of the politicians who agreed to participate agreed with his own political ideologies.


“Many Republicans did not want to sit with me,” said Evans at the exit.

Senator Ted Cruz, however, was very open to meeting the “Avengers: Endgame” star, asking questions about their online meeting and introducing the actor to his daughter.

“I just sat down for an interview with @ChrisEvans A really nice guy,” the senator said on Twitter, next to a photo of him, his daughter and Evans. “Caroline came to Washington to meet him. Almost nothing in the Senate impresses an 11-year-old girl; presenting her to Captain America was pretty awesome!”

Although Evans has had a successful acting career for many years now, he has had to devote additional time to launching his website.

“We were so aware that we were not in our hallway,” said Evans, who embarked on this journey with his business partner, actor and director Mark Kassen. “There was so much to learn, starting with the vernacular. Like, you don’t say the word politician; you say elected. “

Evans also noted that while he still balanced an acting career, he was not limited to it.


“I don’t put myself in a box. I don’t have a huge plan regarding my goals. I kind of wake up and follow my appetite,” he explained. “I’m at a moment of my life when I have the very, very fortunate luxury of pursuing what I want to do. And I don’t corrupt this process by thinking about how others see me. “

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