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50 best gangster movies of all time | Entertainment

50 best gangster movies of all time |  Entertainment


The rise of the mob in America may be linked to the passing of the 18th Amendment on January 16, 1919, which banned the manufacture, sale, or transport of intoxicating liquors and essentially made the United States a dry country. Not surprisingly, the amendment has not been well received by all Americans, and the demand for illegal spirits and contraband has increased dramatically. Many gangs that had been loosely organized until then took advantage of this new market and started producing and distributing alcohol, turning into organized crime syndicates along the way.

Over time, these newly formed groups began to engage in other illegal activities such as money laundering, smuggling of goods and police corruption, while adhering to strict codes of conduct and discretion. in an effort to avoid the stranglehold of the law. Eventually, the mob became one of the most powerful forces in the country, exerting a huge influence on American life for much of the 20th century.

While the crowd doesn’t really exist in America today like it did in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, it hasn’t completely disappeared. In addition, organized crime as a whole, from street gangs to drug cartels, has grown in recent years with disastrous consequences. Still, there is something about the golden age of the crowd that is of great interest to many of us. Call it a twisted sense of curiosity, but we often find ourselves captivated by the power of these criminal families and the authority of their leaders and the damage and chaos they have caused. As it turns out, Hollywood wanted to reflect the public’s fascination with gangsters all too much.

There are thousands of films that tell the story of various criminal families, individuals, and gangsters, but not all are created equal. Stacker compiled data on all detective films recorded onIMDb andMetacritic, sorting them to select the best gangster / mafia movies and ranking them according to a weighted index evenly distributed between IMDb and Metascore user ratings (data was collected on December 20, 2020). To qualify, the film had to have significant plot points involving gangsters, the mob, the Italian-American Mafia, or other similar criminal organizations.

From foreign films like Ash Is Purest White to classics like The Godfather and box office hits like Baby Driver, here are the 50 gangster movies considered to be the best of all time.

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