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Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck: Why the actor ‘regretted’ staring in the ‘Jenny from the Block’ video


Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck may be spending more time together these days, but it wasn’t always the sun and the daffodils for the former couple.

The Hollywood heavyweights date from 2002-2004 and even got engaged early in the relationship.

Both were a tabloid sensation at the time and it was nearly impossible to miss even the smallest story.

Interest in their relationship made sense, with the two being two of Hollywood’s biggest stars at the time, but interest in the couple quickly waned when audiences grew tired of seeing them everywhere.


Affleck, now 48, and Lopez, now 51, have collaborated on several occasions, including on the 2003 bombshell of a movie, “Gigli.”

Perhaps best known is Affleck’s appearance in the “Jenny from the Block” music video in 2002.

The actor’s appearances were spread throughout the four-minute video, but the clip was filled with images of cuddling, kissing, and even sultry touching, like the “Good Will Hunting” star rub lotion. on the back of the singer in a bikini.

Although it seems the two were having fun at the time, Affleck doesn’t remember so fondly from memory.


“If I have any regret, it was doing [‘Jenny from the Block’] video clip, ”he said in 2008, according to the Daily check-in. “But it happened years ago. I’ve moved on.”

The “regret” comes from the fact that the couple are quickly hated publicly for their frequent displays of affection in public, although Affleck doesn’t hold anything against her ex-fiancé.

Ben Affleck has expressed his `` regrets '' for staring in Jennifer Lopez's `` Jenny from the Block '' music video.

Ben Affleck has expressed his “ regrets ” for staring in Jennifer Lopez’s “ Jenny from the Block ” music video.
(Getty Images)

“That doesn’t just make me sound like a petulant fool, but it surely qualifies me as a non-gentleman?” he added. “For the record, has it hurt my career? No.”

It certainly didn’t hurt his career, as he would win his second Oscar in 2013 for the production of “Argo”. He has also played Batman in a number of high profile films in recent years and has garnered critical acclaim for his performance in last year’s “The Way Back”.


Lopez has also met with impressive success in both music and film. Most recently, she released the single “In The Morning” and was considered one of the biggest Oscar snobs of 2020 after starring in “Hustlers.”


The singer recently split from her fiance, Alex Rodriguez, and was spotted hanging out with Affleck.

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