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Ritu Bhasin thinks corporate dress codes are bad for DEI

Ritu Bhasin thinks corporate dress codes are bad for DEI


As more employers ask their employees to return to the office, it may also mean a return to pants, shirts and blouses. Yet a traditional dress code could harm a company’s ability God’s promises.

According to a study by beauty and wellness company Univia, more than 85% of employees believe that physical appearance is important in the workplace, and almost a third of women remember having undergone treatment doubtful related to their appearance at work. While appearance-based bias stems from factors such as height, weight, race and other cultural identifying characteristics, as well as wardrobe, a dress code does not allow for diverse talents to feel more comfortable in their own skin at work, says Ritu Bhasin, author of “The Authenticity Principal” and founder and CEO of Bhasin Consulting, a DEI consulting firm.

“There shouldn’t be a mandatory dress code in office environments, even when people are interacting with customers,” Bhasin says. “If we remove dress codes, whether hybrid, in-person or virtual, we give people the autonomy to decide how to dress.”

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Bhasin sees self-reliance as key to creating an inclusive workplace, noting that traditional dress largely reflects a norm set by able-bodied white men for themselves as well as white women. In other words, suits, skirts, and heels aren’t about comfort or functionality, but rather conformity and a male-centric look. For example, women of color will immediately fail to live up to these “norms,” ​​Bhasin says.

“Dress codes reflect behavioral expectations set by dominant cultural identities,” she says. “Because the norm we are judged against is a white male norm, we are reminded that we don’t belong, we lack choice, and our identities are reviled.”

This is most evident in conversations surrounding black hair. California passed the CROWN Act in 2019 to protect black women from discrimination because of the way they choose to do their hair. Six states have passed this legislation in recent years, but black hair still remains widely discriminated against in schools and workplaces. Employers even asked black women to cut their locs – Catastrophe Management Solutions rescinded Chasity Jones’ job offer because she refused to cut her hair. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit, but Jones ultimately lost in 2016.

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Yet leaders may be reluctant to scrap dress codes, especially for customer-facing employees. Bhasin found that many businesses have an inaccurate understanding of how customers connect with their business. In fact, “looking professional” can feel alienating or embarrassing to a customer, especially if the customer is expected to share vulnerabilities or concerns with the company.

Thankfully, working remotely has proven how pointless dress codes have been over the past couple of years.

“When we’re at home, workers don’t have to put on company uniforms, wear full makeup or straighten their hair,” Bhasin says. “At home, we expect people to look more laid back and relaxed.”

Bhasin advises employers to allow these expectations to translate to the office, allowing employees to choose how they look. And if employers still aren’t convinced, she suggests running a survey and hearing the response directly from employees.

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“The results may surprise a lot of leaders,” Bhasin says. “I suspect they’re going to find that their team members won’t want to wear street clothes anymore.”

Bhasin also stresses the importance for leaders to unlearn their conscious (and unconscious) appearance bias. Because if leaders are still stuck judging workers by the white-centric norm, there will always be a dress code and unspoken expectations, regardless of company policy.

“For people to feel safe in their work environment, they need to trust their leaders,” says Bhasin. “So leaders need to do everything they can to create opportunities for people to be authentic.”




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